Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

Thank you to the Eltham East community for accepting me while Warren has been on leave. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work alongside a great school, passionate teachers and amazing students. This is my final week at EEPS and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time. Mr Lloyd has a great school and he will be back next Monday!


The Prep students have achieved a few milestones this week, these include attending school for the full week and participating in assembly on Monday. They are really enjoying school and all the opportunities given. The teddy bear’s picnic last week was lots of fun and by all accounts all the preps had a great time.


Construction of the ramps is continuing. The BER ramp installation began on Tuesday. A temporary fence has been erected to keep our school community safe. Students still have access to the Discovery Garden, toilet block etc. Work near the school hall continues with plumbers on site last week, ensuring all drainage underground is within regulations.


As we are half way through term 1 a few reminders regarding uniform and wearing of sun smart school hats. On the whole students are looking very smart in their uniform, however some items are creeping in (nail polish, jewellery etc). A link to the EEPS school uniform policy can be found here:  Uniform Policy


Please ensure your child has a sun smart hat that covers their ears and the back of their necks. The school sun smart hats are worn by many students, but a few baseball caps are creeping in. A reminder that they are not sun smart and not part of the school uniform.


Mobile phones are required to be switched off during school time and wearable devices placed on school mode. The classrooms all have a safe that the phone can be stored in during school time. Please refrain from calling your child’s phone on 3.30pm as they are not allowed to answer their phone until they are off school site. If you need to contact your child during school time, please call the front office. All students have been reminded of the rules.


Doreen Montgomery
