Principal's Report

Rohan Cooper

Welcome to an out-of-cycle newsletter this week. There are plenty of exciting events happening in our school, so we decided to share a little of it with you all!


Election of Student Leaders

On Wednesday afternoon, we presented our 2024 School Captains and Vice-Captains, as well as our House Captains, with our community at a whole-school assembly. We invited two very important guest speakers to the event; Persy Anastasopoulos and Olive Greig, our 2023 School Captains. Persy and Olive spoke about their own leadership journey as our School Captains, and shared some tips for our incoming leaders. Congratulations to the following students on their appointments to our student leadership team:


School Captains

Blake Carew

Mabel Draffen

School Vice-Captains

Frankie Buchanan

Shiraz Elbaz


House Captains: Irwin Darracks

Zachy Bude

Tilly Ong

House Captains: Mauboy Wareenys

Lior Oren

Liza Silver

House Captains: Cowan Bunjils

Harvey Butler

Juliet Tolj

House Captains: Goodes Guyeems

Harry Hanrahan

Ruby Siani


Parents’ Association AGM

Thank you to over 20 parents who attended our Parents’ Association AGM on Wednesday night. Each attendee is now a registered member of our PA and Jess Tuszynski was re-elected as our President. The calendar of events for the year was shared and event leads were assigned for most events. There were some unfilled roles however, and we invite you to reach out to Jess and the team if you would like to learn more about possibly filling a position either on our PA team, or as an event lead. These roles include Treasurer, Marketing and Communications, Local Community Liaison and Event Lead for the End of Year Picnic. See Jess’ article later in this edition for further information. 


School Council Elections

As per the notification shared earlier this week, nominations are now open for our School Council. School Councils are a great opportunity to contribute to schools and we value the input from our parent members. Our current School Council President, Danny Benjamin, has shared a more in-depth article about Council later in this edition. Please note that nominations for Council close this coming Monday, 26th February, at 4:00pm. 


CSPS Dad’s Group

Late last year, we brought our ‘CSPS Dad’s Group’ together for the first time. We have now confirmed the first catch-up for 2024:


When: Wednesday 20th March @ 7:00pm

Where: The Camden Hotel


The Dad’s Group also started a ‘WhatsApp’ group at the first event; the QR code will be shared via the class ‘WhatsApp’ groups in coming days. All are welcome to join! 

We will call on one point of business at the meeting; supporting our PA with the sausage sizzle at three events across the year. If anyone reading today would like to sign-up to support us straight away, please email me directly at the link here and I can connect you with our PA. 

  1. Thursday 7th March, Twilight Picnic Sausage Sizzle (mid-afternoon / evening).
  2. Friday 20th September, ‘Sports Colours’ and Sausage Sizzle (morning / early afternoon). 
  3. Thursday 5th December, End of Year Twilight Picnic Sausage Sizzle (mid-afternoon/evening). 


Contributing Positively to our School

Earlier this week, I sent an email regarding attendance at our PA AGM and the importance of our families contributing to our school. As I stand on the gate each morning and afternoon, I can see the happiness each school day brings to our students. This doesn’t happen by accident; this is due to the hard work of not only our staff, but many of our families too, who contribute to our school in a variety of ways. Whether taking on a role on our School Council or Parents’ Association, volunteering to attend an excursion or to listen to our students read in the mornings, every contribution from you counts towards a positive experience for our students. It is my intent to bring as many of our families into our school in a voluntary capacity as possible; many hands will make light work and our students will reap the rewards of your contributions.


Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best. 


Rohan Cooper
