Japanese Language Update

Dear Families, Students and Community Members,


Ami Nakano with Eleni Capp
Ami Nakano with Eleni Capp

Warm Welcome to Visitors from Japan


We are delighted to share the recent visit of student teachers from Japan. Ami Nakano, an ICT primary school teacher in Japan, visited our maths classes for research purposes. We are also hosting Airi Hayashi and Yayoi Tabata who are student teachers visiting from Japan.  


Thank you to Ben M (Year 10) and his family for hosting Airi, and to our staff and students for their warm welcome. 




VCE Japanese Excursion to Melbourne International Film Festival and NGV's Reflections Exhibition


We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful experiences our Year 11 and 12 students had during their recent excursion (Monday, 14th of August) to Melbourne city. The excursion was an immersive journey into the world of cinema and art, featuring visits to the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) and the "Reflections" exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). We were also accompanied by Airi Hayashi and Yayoi Tabata who are student teachers visiting from Japan.


Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) - A Cinematic Adventure


Our students had the extraordinary privilege of delving into the captivating world of cinema at the Melbourne International Film Festival. Among the films screened, the standout feature was "The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbyes," directed by Taguchi Tomohisa. 


This particular film took our students on an emotional journey set in a Japanese high school, exploring student life in Japan and connections with family. 


"Reflections" Exhibition at NGV 


The NGV's "Reflection Model" exhibition by Takahiro Iwasaki offered our students a unique insight into contemporary art. The students saw the wooden model of Itsukushima, a sacred shrine, and the reflection that it casts in the surrounding water. 


Overall, the excursion was a great success, providing students with a unique and valuable experience to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture and society. It was a fantastic opportunity for our Year 11 and 12 students to explore the rich and fascinating culture of Japan in a fun and engaging way. We look forward to more exciting excursions like this in the future.

Cynthia Leung

Japanese Teacher