Grade 1 

Term 3 - Week 7

We can make WISE choices!

In Religion, we have been learning about the concept of Wisdom. We have been learning about what it means to make wise and unwise choices. We recently read the book "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" and talked about the wise and unwise choices made by the wolf and the three little pigs. A few children spoke about how it was very unwise of the pigs to build houses out of straw and sticks! This prompted an open-ended activity whereby the children were put into small groups to make their own houses out of given materials such as pop sticks, straws, cotton tips, pipe cleaners and paper. The children enjoyed the challenge of making the strongest house! This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to practise their communication, teamwork and problem solving skills with students that they would not normally work with. Check out some of our strong houses below!