Curriculum Matters 


On Friday 8 September the Foundation students visited the Melbourne Museum as part of our topic exploring the community around us. While there we saw dinosaur bones, bugs and had a talk about different toys over time. Everyone had a fantastic day!

Level 2

Wow! What a term! 

We have had so much fun learning about what it means to be happy, healthy humans. Over the last two weeks, we have moved our bodies at Jump Central, enjoyed being mindful at Karkarook park, played in the sunshine, and loved eating healthy, delicious foods during our Market Fresh Incursion. 

Level 3

During this year's Book Week, our students embarked on an exciting literary journey as they shared their passion for reading by conducting book reviews on their favourite titles. The week was a celebration of storytelling and imagination, with students diving into the worlds of their chosen books and bringing them to life. Alongside their reviews, students crafted incredible 3D items using various craft materials, which served as captivating props directly from the pages of the texts. 

Book Week was a testament to the power of literature to inspire creativity and foster a lifelong love for reading in our students. 

Level 6

Last week, all the year 6’s had a chance to cook/bake a meal for a group within a 30 minute time limit. 

On Wednesday 6 September, the year 6’s walked up to woollies and had $20 to spend on whatever ingredients they needed to be able to cook. Then on Friday 8th we cooked and served one another like we were at a real restaurant.

These last couple of weeks the year 6’s have been focussing on reviews, so Jells Kitchen was held so they could review the food and restaurant after they ate it.

Violet S 6P

Maths Explorer

As part of our Student Excellence Program, students from Level 1-4 have competed in the Maths Explorer Program. 

The primary focus of this program is to build students’ confidence and allow them to develop their skills in a non-competitive environment. It uses fun and relatable themes to showcase how problem solving strategies can be applied to a variety of problems and encourages students to work together to expand their knowledge and understanding. 

Maths Talent Quest

Congratulations to all the entries into the Maths Talent Quest this year. We had some outstanding results. 


High Distinctions:  Will be going onto Nationals

  • Perfect Playdough by Foundation M
  •  Rum/Bliss Balls by Mila C and Sophia A  in Level 3


  • Flying Fun by Isabella A in Level 2
  • Lego City by Nathan H and Oliver C in Level 6
  • Best Holiday Destinations by Siyara P in Level 4


  • The Speedy Sloth by 1CA

All the other projects received a Participation award.

Spelling Bee

On Thursday 31 August we held our first Junior Spelling Bee as part of the Student Excellence Program. 

Students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 were selected to take part based on teacher assessment, as the Spelling Bee was quite challenging. Students worked in small teams to spell words from the word lists that they have learnt in their Soundwaves Spelling program at school. All students did a great job spelling very difficult words and working in teams to write the words down in the given time frame. 

We were proud of all students and they received a certificate at the end of the Spelling Bee.