Literacy and Numeracy News



 This year's Book Week theme is "Read, Grow, Inspire." The theme is focused on how literature has the capacity to develop a child's inner world and how it can plant the seed of inspiration for them to express their own creativity. In this manner, children are almost like plants and literature is the sun, the soil, and the water. With good literature, your children can grow and flourish. This not only celebrates the wonderful relationship between children and books but also honours the authors and the role they play in a child’s development. 



 Anything that furthers children’s ability to read and find a passion for it is of course an important cause. This is what Book Week is all about, with the primary aim of the event being to share great works of children’s literature and spark a love of reading that will stay with young people for life. 

In this modern digital age, we are at risk of neglecting books more than ever. Through absolutely no fault of their own, children are exchanging a good adventure story for an interactive game on their tablets. Call us old-fashioned, but there is so much to be gained from a good book, and that’s what this week is all about. 

Book Week gives children, teachers, and families an excuse to dive into the world of children’s books together. They’re exposed to new authors and their works, providing a refreshing choice of literature to choose from. By creating an annual event out of reading that everyone looks forwards to, children are likely to look back with fond memories and continue reading as a hobby later on in life. 

We all know how important reading is for children’s cognitive and emotional development. It equips them with vital literacy skills and widens the scope of their imagination. Having said that, the importance of this event goes beyond the developmental benefits felt by children. 

Book Week shines a light on up-and-coming writers whose work deserves to be seen and read. Every year, a shortlist is drawn up of the best books of the year, giving the authors and their stories.





Felice Arena is an Australian children's author, actor and singer. He is best known for the bestselling and award-winning football-themed Specky Magee series; the action-packed bionic hero series Andy Roid; the sports-themed Sporty Kids; his acclaimed historical 

novels The Boy and the Spy and Fearless Frederic A Great Escape and The Flying Unstoppable Flanagan; and most recently his gorgeous picture book 'Pasta! 

We will be hosting a visit from Felice on Tuesday 12th September. Our preps, year 1 and 2 students will participate in a fun and interactive session. That will include him doing a number of activities with them and talking about some of his books, Besties, Sporty kids and Pasta!  

He will happily sign any copies of his books for the students. His books are available to purchase locally at the Avenue Book Store Albert Park. 

Parents are welcome to stay for this event too. We would like to extend our appreciation to ‘Booked Out’ and the family of Bay and Luca for organising this event.