Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,


Last night School Council was lucky to have a detailed presentation from two of our Year 6 Student Leaders on the work of the student leadership group this year. Our JSC and CORE Leaders, Flynn and Marley, spoke very confidently and answered questions with ease. The school, and the future, is in very good hands when we have such confident and committed young people. We look forward to having other Year 6 leaders present to School Council later in the year.


It was wonderful to meet the Year 5 campers off the buses last Friday afternoon. I was struck by the genuine warmth and appreciation that the students and parents gave to the teachers and parent helpers who attended. Gratitude and appreciation is a key theme for the school and it was lovely that this was being displayed so openly- thank you. I also wanted to add my sincere thanks to the teachers who planned and attended the camp and for the band of parent helpers who turned the camp into an amazing experience.











EEPS Camping program

Speaking of camps, the school has been currently reviewing its camping program to ensure that our current providers are meeting the needs of the students and the school. As a result of this, the decision has been made to move the Year 3 camp in 2024 to Camp Weekaway and our Year 5 Camp to Camp Woorabinda from next year as well. In reviewing camp alternatives, we needed to consider safety, learning programs, proximity to school and capacity. Whilst we have had a long-standing connection to Camp Kangaroobie for our Year 5s, the changing landscape of camps has meant that the distance is really too great for a 4 or 5 day camp. This was highlighted again last week when one of our Year 5 campers required medical attention, one hour from camp, and four hours from Melbourne. So, from 2024 the EEPS camping program will be;

Prep-     Breakfast

Year 1- Activity night

Year 2- 1 day camp- Mt Evelyn Camp 

Year 3- 2 days- Camp Weekaway, near Lancefield

Year 4- 3 days- Camp Adanac, Yarra Junction

Year 5- 3 days- Camp Woorabinda, near Yallourn North

Year 6- 4 days- Camp Woorabinda, near Yallourn North

Moving our Year 5 camp to Woorabinda will more closely align with the school objectives with a provider that is actively willing to engage with us to develop a developmental program over the two years, at a considerably cheaper cost to parents as was the case with Kangaroobie.


School improvement

I have written about school improvement regularly in the newsletter, both in the context of improving our teaching and learning practices and also our facilities. Over the course of the last week we have started the process of replacing our overhead projectors and screens in over half of the classrooms and learning spaces around the school. We are also starting to upgrade some of the student furniture in Level 2 and are busy preparing for the refurbishment of the Netball court over the holidays.


Our community helpers and appreciation

Over the term, as a team, we have worked hard with your children, around the message of ‘kindness and respect’ for the community helpers. The school is appreciative of all our school crossing supervisors, especially our two busy crossings on Grove Street. Helen has reported positive interactions as the term has progressed. We welcome Ken, to the other Grove Street crossing as he has taken over from Kathryn. Ken has moved from another crossing in Eltham and is enjoying his time so far.



Connected to appreciation is the idea of ‘empathy’. I did speak to the student at assembly on Monday about empathy and the importance of it. Thinking about the impact of your words or actions is a vitally important characteristic to develop. Whilst we do work with the students around this it is an important message to be having conversations around at home as well.


Literacy and Numeracy Week

This week is Literacy and Numeracy Week! Who would have known?! For us, every week is a week to focus on ‘literacy and numeracy’. However, for an added bonus we have put together some family activities and challenges at home that you may like to try as a family. Please look out for them in the Newsletter.


Art show- coming closer

Don’t forget that next Thursday, 7th September, is our 2023 EEPS Art Show (6.00-8.00pm). The preparations are well underway and we are looking forward to a fabulous turnout. We have some musical items planned, as well as art displays throughout the school, opportunities to engage in some art activities and busking opportunities. Please keep this date free.



Last Friday was ‘Wear it Purple day’. Although we didn’t make a feature of this day I would like to re-affirm again the school’s commitment to inclusion, including gender inclusion, which is the focus on the ‘Wear it Purple day’. Every day we strive to work that little bit harder to ensure that we are creating an environment where all students feel welcome and can participate freely and equally in all areas of life, regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs.

Don’t forget that from this Friday school hats are required once again until May, and lastly, thank you to the great support for our recent book week dress-up day where the school raised over $500 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.


Have a fabulous week.



Have a great week.


Warren Lloyd  
