Transition from 3 year old to 4 year old kindergarten

To help the children transiton from 3 year old to 4 year old kindergarten the 4 year old teachers will visit the children enrolled in their group for next year during a kindergarten session to spend time reading, talking and playing with them.


A social story will be given to all children for families to read with their child about moving to 4 year old kindergarten. 


Your child's current teachers and educators will help share information aboout your child's development with their new educators and families will have the opportunity at the beginning of 2024 to share their child's interests, concerns and any goals they have for their child.


Staffing for 2024 four year old groups (unchanged from 2023):

Orange Group: Simone and Yumi (Room 1)

Blue Group: Charlie and Saori (Room 2)

Purple Group: Belinda and Madhu (Room 1)