Transition to School in 2024

We are proud of our strong transition process for our children moving from  Kindergarten onto the primary school. Our kindergarten children are already familiar with the school grounds and some of the students and teachers already feel a sense of belonging to the school community. They thoroughly enjoy the "buddy program" and the extra opportunities that being part of the school bring such as participating in PMP or games in the gym, watching a dress rehearsal of one of the school productions, and using the library and the playgrounds. Children definitely benefit from the relationship that kindergarten, foundation teachers and school leadership have in supporting groups and individual children to transition to school. For children not moving onto school with us, they have also benefitted from being part of a school community.


 To aid children's transition into school we will be involving the children in stories, songs, discussion and role play about begining school in a low pressure way that aims to help children process the change with minimal stress and look forward to it. 


For all children in Victoria a Transiton and Learning Statement is submitted to your child's school.  This is done electronically. If you would like to opt out it is important to notify your child's teacher asap.


" The Transition Learning and Development Statement (often referred to as the TLDS):

  • summarises a child's learning and development
  • identifies their approaches to learning and their interests
  • indicates how the child can be supported to continue learning.

The Transition Learning and Development Statement is not a report card - the information in the statement helps Foundation teachers get to know the children starting in their class and plan appropriate learning and teaching programs."


Kindergarten teachers and families will together complete the electronic document later this term and there will be an opportunity for your child to contribute  their ideas too!


Transition Sessions for Oakleigh Primary School Kindergarten 

Children Transitioning into Foundation

All children regardless of school (or returning to kindergarten) for 2024 will participate in the first session in the kindergarten. Only children enrolled in Foundation at Oakleigh Primary School will attend the sessions in the Foundation Classrooms. An educator will also be in attendance. Children not attending Oakleigh Primary School in 2024 will remain in the kindergarten with a kindergarten teacher.  

Orange GroupMonday 30th October- Visit at kinder
Wednesday 8th November- Foundation Classrooms
Wednesday 15th November- Foundation Classrooms
Wednesday 22nd November- Foundation Classrooms
Blue GroupMonday 30th October- Visit at kinder
Wednesday 8th November- Foundation Classrooms
Wednesday 15th November- Foundation Classrooms
Wednesday 22nd November- Foundation Classrooms
Purple GroupTuesday 31st October- Visit at Kinder
Thursday 9th November- Foundation Classrooms
Thursday 16th November- Foundation Classrooms
Thursday 23rd November- Foundation Classrooms
Orange GroupMonday 30th October- Visit at kinder


Our Out of School Hours Care program is offering an orientation session for our four year old groups which is a fantastic way to introduce children who will use the service next year in either before or after school care. The dates for this are on the dates to remember page.