Teaching and Learning

Term 3
Teaching and Learning Week 8
Curriculum Day - Berry Street Education Model
The focus for Semester 2 staff professional learning and development is around a whole school approach to student engagement in learning. On Thursday 10th August we had our whole school Curriculum Day where the staff participated in the first of four Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training modules. BSEM aims to help all students by equipping schools with practical, classroom-based strategies to increase the engagement of all students, including those with complex, unmet learning needs.
Shaped by 140 years of experience, decades of research and thousands of dedicated teachers, the Berry Street Education Model helps educators gain new perspectives, strategies and skills to build safer, healthier and more engaging classrooms for all students.
Since participating in the first training session, staff have already started to implement a range of new strategies and also refine existing strategies both in and out of the classroom. As the BSEM training is over 4 days, we will have day two training in Term 4 and the remaining two days in 2024.
Term 4 Curriculum Days
The next Curriculum Day is in Term 4 on Monday 30th October where staff will participate in day two of the Berry Street Education Model training. The final Curriculum Day for 2023 will be on Monday 6th November which is the day before Melbourne Cup Day. These will be student free days and Their Care will be available for bookings.
Take care,
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)