Principal's Report

Term 3
Dear Parents/Carers,
It has been a busy term at Concord with a multitude of exciting events!
Lower and Upper Primary have had their Book Week dress up parades and celebrations. Our Lower Primary section had a visit from Jane Godwin who is an Australian author.
In addition to the Year 12 Student Expo a couple of weeks ago we have also had our Year 11 Student Expo. The stalls had a variety of thoughtful ideas from exercise, sensory tools, cookbooks and mindfulness tasks. The students at each stall presented themselves with confidence and clarity.
Last Friday, we had our Presentation Ball, which is always a highlight for our Secondary Year 11 students, families and staff. It was a proud moment observing the students’ confidence whilst also seeing them having so much fun with Concord staff, their friends and families. The dances were fantastic and I’m sure there will be lots of positive memories of this night for years to come.
Our students in Secondary 7/8 have been learning about Australian animals and have been visiting the Healesville Sanctuary. I’ve heard students recite many facts about the different animal types and their features, it has been a highly engaging unit.
As you may have heard, our Bundoora campus had a visit from the Life Saving Victoria helicopter and Lachie the Lifeguard. It was a successful event and one that was enjoyed equally by the students and staff! The Star Weekly published an article about our experience: Rescue crews touch down at Concord School | Northern (
Principal Award - Jack Cohen
Jack is such a vibrant student who is an enthusiastic participant across learning areas at school, especially in Specialist programs. In Performing Arts where Jack sings, dances and creatively moves the most. He has also enjoyed outdoor games and activities that include running and chasing during Physical Education.
Jack has a fascination with books and during Library lessons you can find him flicking through colourful pages of the countless books available. He eagerly completes his Visual Art activity for the session, often adding extra detail to his work. Jack then moves on to his own creative project using iPads.
He is really great at making dramatic videos, often recreating familiar movie scenes. Through the programs, it has been wonderful seeing Jack grow into the happy student he is today.
Flora Nixon
Acting Principal