Equity is upheld and diverse needs are respected in policy and practice.


In complying with Child Safe Standard 5


The school council, parents and carers, visitors, staff and principal will:

  • develop and endorse a policy statement or curriculum document that details the strategies and actions it will take to uphold diversity and equity, that:
    • makes sure school staff and volunteers understand the diverse circumstances of students, and how to provide support, and respond to vulnerable students
    • gives students, staff, volunteers and the school community access to information, support and complaints processes in ways that are culturally safe, accessible and easy to understand
    • pays particular attention to the needs of:
      • students with disability
      • students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
      • students who are unable to live at home
      • international students
      • lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) students
      • Aboriginal students and provides and promotes a culturally safe environment for them.

Recognise the diverse backgrounds, needs and circumstances of students

  • Recognise the range of diverse student and family attributes. Pay attention to:
    • cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
    • the needs of students with disability and responses to disability
    • the needs of students from diverse religious and cultural communities
    • the needs of very young students and children
    • the impact of prior trauma
    • gender differences
    • the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) students
    • challenges for students who are in foster care, out of home care, living away from home or international students
    • students experiencing pregnancy or who are young parents
    • socio-economic factors (experiencing family homelessness, insecure employment or accommodation, individual or family contact with the justice system, poverty, addiction, low educational attainment, remote or regional isolation).
  • Pay attention to diverse student cohorts and individuals in your community, recognising that they may have higher risk of harm.
  • Normalise asking for and using people’s pronouns and names for students.
  • Use contemporary, culturally sensitive and inclusive examples when discussing families, relationships or professions and vocations.

Identify and address challenges that students experience due to their diverse attributes

  • Communicate that discrimination and bullying are not tolerated – if incidents of bullying or discrimination occur, address the incident in line with school policy.
  • Let students know they can raise concerns or report incidents that occurred at school and outside the school.
  • Check in with vulnerable students and their families to confirm their needs are being met. This can occur at pick-up or drop-off, at parent teacher interviews, you tell us or through informal discussions.
  • Engage genuinely with students. Find out what matters to them, what they know and don’t know about safety, and what they need to be safe and feel safe.
  • Validate students’ feelings. Students may feel that they have not been listened to or believed in the past.
  • Offer buddying and mentoring for students who are at risk of social isolation.
  • Discuss how students feel about discussing their personal circumstances and respect their wishes. Note that where staff or volunteers have formed a reasonable belief that sharing information is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to an individual’s life, health, safety or welfare, they may be required to share information despite the wishes of the student that their information remain confidential.
  • Take a holistic approach when responding to family violence.
  • Respond to family violence in a way that is accessible, culturally responsive, safe, child-centred, inclusive and non-discriminatory.

Put in place policies and strategies to help meet the diverse needs of students

  • Ensure school environments are welcoming and inclusive. For example:
    • display flags representing different cultures within the school community
    • provide materials in different languages
    • decorate the school with artistic expressions from students and young people.
  • Provide child safety information in accessible, child-friendly language and formats.
  • Accompany child safety information with the support materials needed to help students and families interpret it.
  • Anticipate the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and life circumstances. Don’t expect all students to be equally empowered to ask for what they need.
  • Provide staff and volunteers with training to identify and address racism, bullying and discrimination.
  • Create opportunities to remind staff and volunteers about student diversity and accommodating students and young people’s needs.
  • Seek out expert advice as needed to support inclusion, such as an occupational therapist, speech pathologist, provision planning.

Support diversity through school planning and resources

  • Recognise dates that connect with your school community, for example:
    • Cultural Diversity Week (March)
    • IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia, 17 May)
    • National Reconciliation Week (27 May–3 June)
    • World Mental Health Day (10 October)
    • International Day of Persons with Disability (3 December)
  • Compile a range of age-appropriate instructional materials for exploring differences and similarities in class and across the whole school community including:
    • Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships resources
    • Books, and resources that reflect diverse views and perspectives
    • Speech and drama scripts that explore themes around diversity.
  • Use images of students with diverse characteristics in school publications to reflect the school community.