Sustainability Corner

As a part of the Resource Smart Schools program, our sustainability student leaders recently led an energy audit across the school building to hunt for opportunities to reduce energy consumption, costs and carbon emissions.


The team were tasked with taking light measurements (to test for excessive lighting), room temperatures (excessive heating), window & draft configuration (heating/cooling reduction) and even surveyed electrical draw on some of the main appliances around the school.  Overall it was a great learning experience for the team as well as for some of the curious kids that they dropped in on while doing the audit.  


We’re expecting a couple of key energy improvements for the school to come out of the audit which both the student & parent sustainability teams will look to work on Term 4.  A warm (but not too warm) thanks to the friendly RPS teachers for accommodating the survey team and encouraging student enquiry!



A curious Grade 1/2B class quizzing the auditors!

Our student sustainability leaders with external energy audit specialist Emma.