
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 3 Week 10 - Friday 15st September 2023


What have we been up to? 

Congratulations to the 1/2 students for completing another Term. We are so proud of their efforts this Term and they deserve a well earned break. We are very excited to hear all about what they got up to in the school holidays and cannot wait to see them in two weeks. 


In Reading, we have been using our prior knowledge and clues from a text to make inferences about characters, emotions and meaning. These past two weeks we have read the books “My Strange Shrinking Parents” and “The Boy Who Tried to Shrink his Name”. These books have allowed us to think deeply about other children's lives and make inferences about their struggles as immigrants. In Writing, students have enjoyed learning about Haiku and Cinquain poems these past few weeks. This last week they have had the chance to write their own poem for each poem we have been learning about. These will go in their leadership notebooks. 


During Maths, students have still had a focus on multiplication and using arrays to represent each multiplication equation. They are now beginning to discuss division and learn different strategies to represent their division problems. 


Science has allowed students to explore extreme weather by creating posters and creating tornados in a jar. This has been super exciting as it allowed the students to have a hands-on experience. Inquiry has been focusing on countries and students have been creating a poster on a country of their choice. Each poster included the name, continent, food, activities, population and language spoken of their chosen country. 


Well Done 1/2s! See you next Term!



Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 

 1/2A - We wrote 4 different poems and published our own poetry books!


1/2B - We made tornadoes in a jar!


1/2C - We had fun making arrays with Playdough



Learning over the holidays:

  • Keep up the reading by trying to continue reading aloud for a minimum of 10 minutes every day of the holidays.
  • Maybe create a Writing Holiday Journal to record your experiences of the next two weeks - printed pictures of the experiences can help with engaging students in this type of activity.
  • Find ways to make maths practical and fun - Can you find any arrays in nature or the supermarket? Can you count how many are in the array?
  • Enjoy the sunshine :)



Important reminders:

  • Next term is Term 4 so please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we will be having more hot days. 






  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 
  • Monday – AUSLAN (with classroom teacher)
  • Tuesday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music 
  • Thursday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies