Events for Term Three
Beachside Division Mixed Netball - Monday 22nd July
The successful Year 5/6 St Agnes’ Mixed Netball team is headed off to the Beachside Division Championships on Monday 22nd July at Stonnington Sports Centre, 32B Chadstone Road, Malvern East. We are kindly asking parents to transport the children to and from this event. If you have any difficult with this, please contact Mr Kost (skost@sahighett.catholic.edu.au) and he will do his best to help you connect with other parents attending.
P&F Meeting - Tuesday 23rd July
The first P&F Meeting for the term is on Tuesday 23rd July at 7.30pm in the staffroom at school. All are welcome and we kindly ask that our Class Reps make a special effort to attend.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Our Year 4 students are currently preparing to receive the blessed Eucharist for the first time. Please see below, important information about this sacrament.
- Family Faith Night - Wednesday 17th July at 7pm - All Year 4 children are welcome and those receiving the sacrament are expected to attend with at least one parent please.
- Reflection Day - Tuesday 30th July - The children will participate in activities related to the sacrament and are invited to wear casual clothes on this day.
- Parish Sacrament Mass - Saturday 10th August at 6pm
PSG Meetings - Tuesday 23rd-Friday 26th July
Program Support Group Meetings will be held next week. Families involved have been contacted directly about appointments for these meetings. Amanda Baker will chair these meetings.
St Agnes’ Playgroup - Re-commencing on Friday 26th July
Our Pre-Prep Playgroup is back in Term Three. Dates are below:
- Friday 26th July
- Friday 9th August
- Friday 23rd August
- Friday 6th September
Whole School Olympics Day - Monday 29th July
We will be having a whole school celebration for the commencement of the Paris Olympics on Monday 29th July. This will be a day for the children to dress in the Olympics theme and we will have a couple of hours of special activities! More information to follow.
Beachside Divsion Soccer - Tuesday 30th July
After a successful effort at the Holt District competition, our Year 5/6 Boys will head to the the Beachside Division Soccer Championships at the Kingston Heath Soccer Complex, 289 Centre Dandenong Rd, Cheltenham. Details have been communicated via Operoo.
School Advisory Council Meetings - Tuesday 30th July, Tuesday 27th August
There are two School Advisory Council (SAC) Meetings this term. Meetings are held at 7.30pm in the Meeting Room above the office. Thank you to our SAC Members for your continued consultation and contribution to the leadership of our school. The 2024 SAC Members are: Felicity Langley (Chair), Fiona Newington (Secretary), Martin Cox, Josh Ryan, Carly Monahan, Caroline Cunningham and Karen McGoldrick.
Family Maths Night - Tuesday 6th August
Our parents are invited to participate in our Family Maths Night activities on Tuesday 6th August. These sessions will provide insights for parents into the way we teach and learn Mathematics, with a particular emphasis on explicit teaching and daily review. More information to come.
Inform and Empower Student Sessions - Tuesday 6th August
Inform and Empower’s Live Streamed Online Safety sessions for our students are happening again this term on Tuesday 6th August.
Prep 100 Days Celebration and Assembly - Wednesday 7th August
Our Prep students will celebrate 100 days of school on Wednesday 7th August with a dress up day, special lunch and activities. We will also look forward to their assembly in the afternoon on this day! More information to follow from Mrs Barton.
Year 5/6 Senior Hooptime - Friday 9th August
All students from Year 5 and 6 will head off to Hooptime Basketball at MSAC on Friday 9th August. Details to follow via Operoo.
Year 3/4 Junior Hooptime - Tuesday 17th September
All students from Year 3 and 4 will head off to Hooptime Basketball at MSAC on Tuesday 17th September. Details to follow via Operoo.
Year 1/2 Parish Mass - Friday 9th August at 9am
Our Year 1 and Year 2 students will again participate in Friday morning mass with weekday massgoers. This is part of the faith life of our school and strengthening the connection between our parish/school. Parents are welcome to attend.
School Review
Our School Improvement Review will take place over three days in the coming weeks. Below is a rough outline of these important days for our school:
- Preliminary Visit and Compliance Review - Monday 5th August
- School Improvement Framework Review and Conversations - Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th August
On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th August, the reviewer will come into the school and is looking to meet with some groups of parents to learn more about the school from a family perspective. We are looking for around 15 parents in mixed groups to meet with the reviewer at 8am, 9am or 2.45pm on Tuesday 13th August. Thank you to those who have already ‘put their hand up’; your contribution is highly valued and much appreciated. If you are available and keen to be involved, please let me know as soon as possible.
Book Week Parade and Activities - Wednesday 14th August
Our school will celebrate Childrens Book Week on Wednesday 14th August with a dress up day, parade and also some special activities to promote a love of literature. Time to start planning the outfit now!
St Agnes’ P&F Op Shop Ball - Friday 16th August
Pop along to your favourite Op Shop now and get your outfit ready for what promises to be a fun night for all St Agnes’ parents. Whether it be your first or your last year as a member of the St Agnes’ community, all are welcome and encouraged to come along. This is one of our major fundraisers for the year and all proceeds will go towards the resurfacing project. Tickets on sale soon.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our Year Six students have a busy term, as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please see below, the important dates for this sacrament:
- Family Faith Night - Wednesday 21st August at 7.00pm
- Reflection Day - Thursday 11th September
- Sacrament Mass - Saturday 14th September
It is important for families to be aware that we do not get a choice of confirmation dates; these are determined by the Regional Bishop due to the high number of parishes that require this service.
Father’s Day Stall - Thursday 22nd August
The children will be able to purchase Father’s Day gifts for their Dads or special male figures on Thursday 22nd August. Thank you to our P&F for making this happen!
Year 6 Graduation Meeting - Thursday 22nd August at 8am
All Year 6 parents are invited to attend a meeting regarding the organisation of Year 6 Graduation. This important event requires the support of parents to make it a success, so please come along.
Year 3/4 Parish Mass - Friday 23rd August at 9am
Our Year 3 and 4 students will again participate in Friday morning mass with weekday massgoers. This is part of the faith life of our school and strengthening the connection between our parish/school. Parents are welcome to attend.
School Closure Day - Monday 26th August
There is a school closure day on Monday 26th August for staff to undertake First Aid Training. I am awaiting confirmation form Extend regarding for provision of onsite care and supervision. I am expecting there to be care available, assuming there is a minimum of 10 students attending. I will confirm this once finalised.
Year 4 Visit to Grange Road Kindergarten - Wednesday 28th August
Our Year 4 students will again visit Grange Road Kinder on Wednesday 28th August. The students engage with the kinder children as part of this wonderful community connection. Mrs Law and one of our Learning Support Officers will accompany the children.
Father’s Day Breakfast and Celebrations - Thursday 29th August
The Father’s and Special Friends Day Breakfast will held in the School Hall on Thursday 29th August from 7.30am. This is always a special event for our school. Helpers will be needed - Please get involved to make it a special morning for our Dads and kids. The breakfast will be followed by a short presentation from the students.
Bullying No Way Day - Friday 30th August
Our Year Six Leaders are organising a day of action against bullying on Friday 30th August. This will be a casual dress day. More information to follow.
Holt District Athletics Carnival - Monday 2nd September
A representative team will go to Duncan Mackinnon Reserve on Monday 2nd September to compete against other Catholic schools from Holt District. Mr Kost will be organising trials during PE classes this term to place children into events.
Deputy Principal Conference - Thursday 5th - Friday 6th September
Amanda Baker will be away on the above dates at the regional Deputy Principal Network Conference. This conference only takes place once every two years and is an important professional learning opportunity for the DPs from across our system.
Prep - Year 2 Excursion to Botanical Gardens - Monday 9th September
As part of the Geography Inquiry unit this term, the Junior students will be taking part in an excursion to Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens on Monday 9th September. Details will be communicated via Operoo.
Italian Day - Tuesday 10th September
We celebrate all things Italian culture on Tuesday 10th September. This will be a terrific day for our school community and one I know the children look forward to every two years. More specifics will be communicated via Operoo as the date gets closer.
Footy Colours Day - Friday 20th September and last day of Term three
We celebrate the final day of the term with Footy Colours Day, some fun filled footy activities and hopefully a special lunch! These activities will be planned and led by our Year Six leaders.