Term 3 - Week 1
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While the weather has been a bit bleak and dreary, the children have returned to school full of energy and excited to see their friends after the holidays. I think we might have had some excited parents upon the return to school too, with one skipping through the gates after drop-off on Monday! A very funny moment. I hope all families enjoyed a restful couple of weeks over the holidays, with everyone coming back to school refreshed and ready for Term Three.
This term is always a great one for sustained teaching and learning, with little interruption. It’s incredible to think that our Preps are half way through their first year already and our Year Six students are in their final six months of primary school. 2024 seems to be evaporating before our very eyes. There is much to look forward to over the next ten weeks of school: sacraments, social events, Olympics activities, Book Week, Father’s Day and much more.
The past two days have been very settled and the students are to be commended for the way they have quickly re-adjusted back into the routine of school. Below are some snippets of the first week at school. As we do every term, the first week is always Wellbeing Week with a focus on Help Seeking, but also launched straight back into learning routines including MSL, Heggerty and Spelling Mastery.
St Agnes’ Snippets - Week 1
With cold and dark mornings at the moment, it is challenging to get moving in the AM, but it is so vitally important that the children are at school on time. When children are punctual, they are able to set themselves up for the day by getting learning materials ready and connecting with friends and teachers. They are ready to start the day when the bell goes. Conversely, if they are late, it creates stress and anxiety as they enter the classroom once learning is underway.
This newsletter contains information about all of the key events for the school this term and should be read in conjunction with Class Newsletters from teachers, which are due to come out at the end of next week. The Class Newsletters contain information specifically related to the teaching and learning in your child’s class this term. As a school, we continue to strive to maintain high levels of communication between school and home, ensuring a strong partnership for the benefit of your child. As always, if ever you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s classroom teacher.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Our Year 4 students are currently preparing to receive the blessed Eucharist for the first time. The preparation occurs at school, but we also encourage families make a consistent effort to get along to Saturday evening mass in the lead up. This will assist the children in understanding the significance of the sacrament, the ongoing commitment it represents and also the place of the Eucharist within the celebration of mass. Please see below, important information about this sacrament.
- Family Faith Night - Wednesday 17th July at 7pm - All Year 4 children are welcome and those receiving the sacrament are expected to attend with at least one parent please.
- Reflection Day - Tuesday 30th July - The children will participate in activities related to the sacrament and are invited to wear casual clothes on this day.
- Parish Sacrament Mass - Saturday 10th August at 6pm
School Review
Our School Improvement Review will take place over three days in the coming weeks. Below is a rough outline of these important days for our school:
- Preliminary Visit and Compliance Review - Monday 5th August
- School Improvement Framework Review and Conversations - Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th August
On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th August, the reviewer will come into the school and is looking to meet with some groups of parents to learn more about the school from a family perspective. We are looking for around 15 parents in mixed groups to meet with the reviewer at 8am, 9am or 2.45pm on Tuesday 13th August. Thank you to those who have already ‘put their hand up’; your contribution is highly valued and much appreciated. If you are available and keen to be involved, please let me know as soon as possible.
St Agnes’ P&F Presents the 2024 Op Shop Ball
You are invited to join the highly anticipated 2024 P&F parent event, to be held on Friday 16th August. Many thanks to our hardworking P&F for their efforts to bring together this incredible social and fundraising occasion for our community. Our school has long been known for a strong social side and community spirit. It is one of the many things that makes this school so special and research indicates that strong a parent-school connection has a profound impact on student wellbeing and learning. Lock in the babysitter and head to the local op shop… think 80s prom, velvet suits, houndstooth and taffeta! The more outrageous the better, with prizes to be won for best dressed. As a community, we continue to work towards the resurfacing of the asphalt area in the main courtyard. It would be terrific to see all St Agnes’ families getting involved in this fun night as we strive towards this goal.
State Cross Country Championships
Best wishes to Callan Duddy who is representing St Agnes’ at the School Sports Victoria State Cross Country Championships in Yarra Glen tomorrow. Callan has been very successful in all events to date and we wish him well for tomorrow. Go Cal!
Levi Otto Sick Leave - Tuesday 6th August
After a serious infection in Term One, Year 3 teacher Levi Otto will be taking approximately two weeks sick leave to have his tonsils removed. The surgery will be on Tuesday 6th August and we expect him back at work around two weeks later, but these things can be unpredictable. Harry Canning will be in Year 3 while Levi is away. Harry has been undertaking some casual work in our school recently, so the children are quite familiar with Harry. We wish Levi well for this surgery.
Tuckshop Commencement
Tuckshop will commence this Friday 19th July. Orders can be placed online by clicking on this button using the code: lunch2024.
Term Three School Fees
Term Three School Fees Statements will be sent in the coming week, with fees payable via EFT, cash or credit card. Please contact Shannon ( in the office to organise payment.
Important Dates for Term Four
- Year 4 Summit Camp is from Wednesday 6th-Friday 8th November.
- Year 3 Zoo Snooze Camp - an overnight stay at Melbourne Zoo - is on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November!
- Our Visual Arts Show is at 6pm on Wednesday 27th November, with all students expected to be in attendance please.
- We will be having a whole school Grandparents Day on Thursday 28th November. There will be a Liturgy in the morning, classrooms will open and we will finish with morning tea (9am-11am).
- Term Four concludes on Monday 16th December for Year Six and on Tuesday 17th December for all Prep-Year 5 students.
Assemblies are in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons. Parents are welcome to attend. At assembly, there will be presentations from classes, student awards, birthday acknowledgements and special announcements from student leaders.
Wed 17th July - No class presentation
Wed 24th July - Year 3
Wed 31st July - Year 6
Wed 7th Aug - Prep (100 Days)
Wed 14th Aug - Book Week Performance - No Assembly
Wed 21st Aug - School/Sports Captains - Olympic Wrap Up
Wed 28th Aug - Year 5
Wed 4th Sept - Year 2
Wed 11th Sept - Year 4
Wed 18th Sept - Year 1
We are looking forward a fun-filled and jam-packed Term Three!
Kind regards,