Prayer and Reflection

A Prayer at the statue of St Dominic 


Heavenly Father, you made us, bless us,

and help us be more like St Dominic, 

who carried out your work by teaching people 

about your Son Jesus and his love for us. 

Give us eyes to see you with, ears to hear you with

and hands to do your work in the world with.

Thank you for the life and example of St Dominic.

We ask this prayer through Jesus your son. Amen.


St Dominic: Pray for us. 

Prayer inspired by Bella Robertson (Yr 7 2015)



The prayer above is one from our MCC prayer walk and was inspired by a past student; it accompanies the statue of St Dominic which once stood proudly in the grounds of the Dominican Convent, now the Conservatorium of Music in Marius Street. The statue is a daily reminder to us of our Dominican beginnings and heritage. 


Mission and Liturgy Report

We have recently marked the feasts of both St Dominic and St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) with House Masses for Dominic House on Tuesday 6th August, celebrated by Fr Saji from St Nicholas’ Parish and MacKillop House, celebrated by Father Sabu on the 13th August. In both Masses the students were encouraged to pray asking for their House Patron saint’s intercession on their behalf. 


This term we have launched the Year 10 Catechist Support Program. The program involved volunteers from Year 10 who, in pairs, assist St. Nicholas’ Parish catechists on Fridays in the Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 class at Tamworth Public School.     



Invitation to Breakfast

Fr. Chris invites you to join him and the men of St Nicholas Parish for breakfast in the covered outdoor area behind the church. The event starts at 7:00 AM on Saturday, August 31st, and typically attracts 20-35 men each month.

There’s no formal membership or executive team—just a group of men who handle invitations, catering, and a program that includes prayer, reflection, fun, and socializing with like-minded individuals. Attendance is flexible; you’re welcome to join any month without commitment. The event ends by 8:15 AM, allowing you to attend children’s sports, golf, or other weekend activities.

There is no fee, just a donation for the cooked breakfast. Please RSVP to Patrick Mahony at 0427 851 651 or

Come and join us!


Absent from the Table Survey

The National Centre for Pastoral Research (NCPR), an agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, has developed a survey to investigate why some Australian Catholics do not participate regularly in Sunday Mass. The participants in this study are Catholics in Australia who do not attend Sunday Mass on a weekly basis. Regular weekly attendance at Sunday Mass is defined as physical attendance three or more times a month, including the Saturday vigil. The definition for this project does not include attendance at services held online nor Sunday Liturgies in the Absence of a Priest. This survey is for Catholics aged 18 years or older and closes on Tuesday 20th August. The survey can be accessed at the following link