Environmental Group

Environmental Council Nursery Visit
During the last week of Term 2, the Environmental Council volunteers headed to the Tamworth Council Regional Nursery to assist Landcare in the growing of seedlings for future environmental projects.
The volunteers were great ambassadors for the school and managed to transplant a large number of eucalyptus seedlings. Thanks goes to Mr Paul Moxon, who runs the nursery. He was able to teach the students valuable skills and techniques in transferring the seedlings.
As part of the school’s partnership with the local community, the Environmental Council were able to swap a large number of bottlebrush seedlings which are currently being grown in the school nursery. In exchange, Landcare donated a tray of eucalyptus seedlings. These seedlings will be grown and planted on the site that the group is currently regenerating.
There will soon be elections for the Environmental Executive. Each year, the Executive starts a new project designed to help the school grounds and its surrounding environment. This year’s Executive has been developing the 10c recycling program. The money raised will go towards St Vincent de Paul.
The Environmental Council is always looking for volunteers. Any interested students are welcome to come to Lab 1, Thursday's at lunchtime. There are a large number of projects, thus there is something for everyone.
Shaun Nichols