Principal's Report

Dear Families
As we journey through August, the Church continues to nourish our faith through the liturgical celebrations and the Gospel readings, particularly from the Gospel of John. This time of year marks the end of Winter and the approach of Spring in Australia, making it an ideal moment to renew our spiritual lives and deepen our relationship with God.
Throughout this month, the Gospel readings from John focus on Jesus as the Bread of Life. These readings highlight the profound relationship we are invited to have with God—a relationship sustained by the Eucharist. Jesus tells us, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst" (John 6:35).
This message is central to our faith and offers a powerful reminder of the spiritual nourishment available to us through the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. Take this opportunity to discuss with your children how Jesus is present in the Eucharist and how receiving Communion strengthens our bond with Him.
Holy Days of Obligation
This month, we celebrate a significant Holy Day of Obligation:
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15th
On this day, we celebrate Mary's Assumption into Heaven, a powerful reminder of the hope and promise of eternal life. Mary’s "Yes" to God is an example for us all, showing the beauty of trusting in God's plan. Attending Mass as a family on this day or over the weekend is a wonderful way to honor Mary and seek her guidance as we navigate the challenges of life.
Year 12
We are extremely proud of our Year 12 students who have been diligently engaged in their Trial HSC Examinations over the past two weeks. This period has been a crucial step in their academic journey, allowing them to measure their understanding and readiness for the HSC exams.
As we move forward, the coming weeks will be a significant time for our Year 12 students. They will be preparing themselves for their final weeks at school, a milestone that marks the end of their secondary education. During this period, they will continue to focus on their HSC Examination preparations, ensuring that they are well-prepared to achieve their best possible outcomes.
We encourage you to continue supporting your children as they navigate these final stages of their school life. Your encouragement and understanding during this time are invaluable.
The Role of School Fees in Our Catholic School
Our Catholic School is not just an educational institution; it is a community built on shared values and a commitment to the holistic development of every child. To provide the high standard of education, facilities, and programs that we offer, we rely heavily on the financial contributions made by our families through school fees.
Recently, there has been significant discussion in the media about school funding, particularly the perception that private schools, including catholic schools, receive more funding than government schools. While it is true that catholic schools receive some government funding, it is important to clarify that our funding model is different from that of fully government-funded schools.
Catholic systemic schools like ours receive government funding, but this funding is often not enough to cover the full cost of providing the level of education and facilities that our community expects and deserves. Unlike fully private schools, which might charge significantly higher fees to cover all their costs, we aim to keep our fees as affordable as possible to ensure that a Catholic education is accessible to all families who seek it.
However, the reality is that we do rely on the financial support ‘capacity to pay’ , a term used by the government, of our parents and carers to bridge the gap between government funding and the actual costs of running our school. Without your regular payments of school fees, we would face significant challenges in continuing to provide the quality of education that our students receive.
Regular, ongoing payment of school fees is essential for the smooth operation of our school. When fees are paid on time, it allows us to plan and allocate resources effectively, ensuring that all aspects of the school can run without interruption.
We understand that some families may face financial difficulties, and we encourage anyone in this situation to speak with us as soon as possible. We are committed to working with you to find a solution that supports your family's circumstances.
I would like to thank you for your ongoing commitment to our school community. Your contributions through school fees are not just payments; they are investments in your child’s future and in the future of our community. Together, we can continue to provide an environment where every child can thrive academically, spiritually, and personally.
Parent Information Evening
Our next Parent Information Evening is fast approaching, Tuesday 20 August, commencing at 7:00pm in the College Staff Room. I invite you to come and hear from our College Assistant Principal Mr Larkin and Mr Fletcher Davies School Advisory Council. Looking forward to seeing you.
God bless,
Michael Whitton
College Principal
Michael Whitton
College Principal