Principal's Message

A Spectacular Olympic Fun Day
We are thrilled to share that our students from Kindergarten to Year 6 had an extraordinary Olympic Fun Day. This memorable event was organised by Miss Claffey, who arranged a variety of engaging Olympic-themed activities.
The day was filled with excitement and laughter as students participated in a diverse range of games. From the agility-testing hurdles to the strength-demanding tug of war, from the energetic sack races to the precision-required throwing targets, there was something for everyone.
Both the children and teachers alike immersed themselves in the spirit of the games, creating an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. The day was not just about competition, but also about learning, teamwork, and most importantly, having fun.
We look forward to more such exciting events that enrich our students’ school experience and create lasting memories.
Communication with Classroom teachers - Email and “face-to-face” available at mutually convenient times
As the term has begun, an invitation is given that, should parents/carers wish to have contact with staff members to discuss matters about the educational and/or social/emotional development of their child, then staff are able to be contacted via email or face-to-face.
Email communication can be done by initial email to and then the email inquiry will be forwarded by Front Office staff members to the particular class teachers for follow-up. Please note that, in general, teaching staff members are not able to respond to email in the course of the school day as they engaged in face-to-face teaching of students in their classes.
Class teachers (and other members of staff eg specialist teachers) are also very happy to meet in person with parents and carers to discuss academic progress of students and this can be arranged at mutually convenient times (generally before and after school) by contact to staff members via the Front Office. Front Office contacts are or phone 96657399
The NED Show
The NED Show is visiting our school tomorrow! The NED Show, is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance:
Never give up,
Encourage others and
Do your best.
During the assembly, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks.
P & F Olympic Trivia Night
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Adam Bartlett and the P & F committee for their incredible efforts in organising the recent trivia night at the Clovelly Bowling Club. The event was a resounding success, and it was truly heartwarming to see parents and friends come together in the spirit of our beloved St. Anthony’s. The costumes were fantastic and the laughter was contagious.
Your dedication and commitment to creating such a memorable evening is a testament to the strong community we have here at St. Anthony’s. We are incredibly fortunate to have such an active and engaged parent body, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing support.
Amadeus Practice
To maximise the benefit of learning an instrument, students are expected to practice at home in between lessons and rehearsals. It is ideal to create a routine by setting a specific time and space (without distraction) to practice every day at home. Students should set small goals and achieve something each day. Recommended length of practice sessions are:
- Years 3 to 6 - 10 to 20 minutes daily
Instrumental Tutors will advise a specific practice program for their students, however, a general guide for students includes the following:
- Tune-up and warm-up: focus on good posture, clean and clear notes
- Technical skill building: scales, arpeggios and other exercises
- Play difficult passages and repeat several times
- Set pieces: individual and ensemble pieces
- Use a phone or other device to create a recording of yourself playing. Listen to it and determine the aspects you are happy with and areas for improvement
Winter brings with it more colds and flu. It is a good time for parents to remind your child/children of hygiene protocols such as making sure they regularly wash their hands, how to use a tissue hygienically, sneezing into their elbow, making sure they eat healthy food to keep themselves healthy throughout the Winter months. If you child is unwell, please keep them at home.
2024 Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days)
Each year, Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) provides time for Staff Development Days (SDD) so that staff can work collaboratively and continue to provide high-quality learning opportunities for your child. With the introduction of the new English and Mathematics Syllabus’ in 2023 (K-2) and 2024 (Yr 3-6), as well as the implementation of other new syllabi within the next two years.
We have 2 remainingStaff Development Days this year:
- Friday 27 September (Term 3, Week 10) and
- Thursday 19 December (Term 4, Week 10)
SCECS will be offering care on the Staff Development Days as well as Vacation Care.
Week 2 & 3 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients!
A heartfelt thank you to all the students and staff for organising a memorable Principal’s Day. The kind words, messages, paintings, and the special assembly were truly appreciated. It is an honour to lead such a wonderful school.
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak