Foundation News…

We were so excited to welcome the Foundation students back to school this week. Term 3 is full of new learning and exciting events, including our highly anticipated 100 days of Foundation! Stay tuned for more news on this in coming weeks :)
This term, students have been introduced to using dotted thirds. We are using books with 'dirt, grass & sky' which will support students with the correct formation, placement and sizing of letters. We have now moved to teaching handwriting in formation groups. For the first few weeks, we will be looking at 'anti-clockwise' letters. In doing this, students are learning the correct size, and direction of letters, whilst also reinforcing the pattern of 'anti-clockwise'. The letters fall into the following formation groups;
- anticlockwise letters (a, c, d, g, q, e, o, f, s)
- clockwise letters (m, n, r, x, z, h, k, p)
- the i family letters (i. t, l, j)
- the u family letters (u, y, v, w, b)
Here are some pictures of us using our new handwriting books for the first time. Some very impressive work!
In Foundation, a core part of our learning is focussed around Social & Emotional learning. This is key to integrating students into a school environment and providing them with the structures, routines and strategies to navigate social situations. We are constantly teaching them ways in which they can problem solve when faced with a problem, particularly out in the playground.
This week, we focussed on the 'i-statements' which provide a three step process to solving small problems independently. We practised these steps with some scenarios & and then had a go at role playing.