5/6 News…

Term 3 Return
Welcome to Semester 2 in the Senior Level. We trust you’ve all enjoyed a restful break, and your children are coming back to school keen to catch up with their friends… and to learn!
Much like the rest of our school year, Term 3 is a busy term, with a huge amount going on.
On return to school, we will be reminding the students of our expectations with regards to homework, time management and the responsible use of iPads and other devices. We would appreciate it if you could support us by again having a chat with your children about the balance between screen time and outdoor activity, and creating a regular time (or times) each week to attend to their homework. Building good homework habits is an important step in getting ready for secondary school, and independently organizing themselves is a skill which takes time and effort for students to develop.
We will continue to stress the importance of staying kind and respectful during online interactions, and being careful about the sites they visit and the conversations they may have with strangers.
We strongly encourage you to monitor your children’s use of their iPads. Become familiar with the programs they are using, the games they are playing, and the music they are listening to. Be mindful about letting children on their iPads in their bedrooms, or away from shared areas. Charging iPads in a kitchen or lounge room rather than a bedroom allows your children to have uninterrupted ‘downtime’ at night when they relax before bedtime.
Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition
Following on from our wonderful speeches about the most inspirational person, that we held in our classrooms at the end of Term 2, interested parties are invited to participate in the Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition.
What is the aim of this program?
To give students in Primary Schools the chance to develop their ability to speak in public.
What skills do Student Develop through this program?
- Students learn to look for information using a number of sources – this may include books, the internet or speaking with family, friends and community members.
- They expand their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic; and
- They gain an ability to organise their thoughts and feelings and then confidently express them to others.
Those that are willing to participate, are required to hand back their forms by next Friday 26 June, to your classroom teacher.