Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Term 3! It's been wonderful to see our students reconnecting with each other and sharing stories about their holidays. We're excited for the term ahead!



This week, we've been learning about digraphs, which are two letters that make one sound. Our focus has been on the digraphs ss, ff, and ll. The students have been working on decoding these sounds and practising reading with partners. In writing, we've been working on holiday recounts, which have been a great way for students to share their holiday experiences. For reading, we focused on comprehension and creativity. We read "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and had a lively discussion about the main character. The students then used their creativity to come up with their own titles like "Don't Let the Pigeon...". We encourage families to discuss main characters when they do reading at home as well. 


In Numeracy, we have started exploring patterns. We began by sorting objects into 'clubs' and discovering patterns around the school. The students enjoyed pattern sorting with different objects and learned about the concept of a repeating unit.


Our PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) session was a hit! The students participated in various rotations designed to build their PMP skills and promote collaboration. It was a fun and engaging experience for all.


We enjoyed being back in the library this week. Just a friendly reminder that library and decodable book borrowing for our Prep students occurs on Mondays.


Homework will recommence in Week 2. Please keep an eye out for the homework packs.



- National PJ Day: Tomorrow, Friday 19th July, is National PJ Day. Please send a gold coin donation via COMPASS.

- Attendance: Students should be at school by 8:50am as the roll is marked at 9am. If students arrive after this time, they need to be signed in at the office and accompanied by an adult to the classroom.


We are looking forward to a fantastic Term 3 with lots of learning and fun!


Warm regards,

Prep Team