Level 4
Level 4
In weeks 3 and 4, our Inquiry topic has continued to be at the centre of student learning. The enthusiasm and creativity demonstrated by our students has truly been inspiring! We celebrate their hard work and dedication to discovering new concepts together.
Last week, students explored the inspiring journey of Cathy Freeman to the Olympics and beyond. They focused on new or unfamiliar vocabulary, using the IDEAS acronym to guide their learning strategies.
Students also engaged in discussions about Australia's neighbouring countries and its significance as a continent. This learning was enriched through collaborative assessments, helping our students gain confidence in their abilities.
Students have been continuing to develop our understanding of explanation writing while focusing on the 6+1 writing trait, VOICE. As writers, students are expected to engage their audience. They can do this by including their voice and personality in their writing. This usually develops when students become confident in their ability to write.
Students continued to explore the concept of angles in the world around them. Please take a moment to ask your child about the importance of the ‘right angle’ and what they have learned.
We have transitioned into mapping activities! Using the book Mapping My Day by Julie Dellemuth, students considered their prior knowledge about the language used when working with maps. They drew a map of the school's main features and attempted to draw it to scale. Encourage your child to share their understanding of what a MELWAYS does and how similar and different it is to digital maps we use today. We have been impressed with how curious they are about this unfamiliar, heavy book.
We are in the FINDING OUT stage of the inquiry process. This is what some of our students had to say.
“I am enjoying finding out about places inside Australia and our neighbouring countries. I am learning about Fiji with my partners.” Mufaddal 4LS
“I did not know anything about Papua New Guinea last week. Now I know that it is smaller in size than Australia. It is hotter because it is closer to the equator. It’s land borders with Indonesia. I even asked my mum and dad if I could visit.” Kaiden 4LS