Level 1

Level 1


The Level 1 students have been having a lot of fun learning about procedural texts. We have especially enjoyed learning the steps to make lemonade. We made this yummy drink by using freshly picked lemons and coming up with the steps to write about in detail. Through this task, we have learned that adding detail and using clear steps are very important when trying to teach someone to do something.


Over the past two weeks, we have been exploring a new Maths unit on ‘Time’. This has included reading a clock (both digital and analogue), using a stopwatch to measure time, determining the duration of events and investigating calendars. The students thoroughly enjoyed collaborating and problem solving when piecing together a large calendar



Our Inquiry topic this term is called, ‘HEPS and Beyond’. We are so excited to learn about this geography unit and deepen our connections to the world. Along with learning about some of our special places, we have also been learning about the Olympics. We applied a thinking routine to explain different items in a ‘Discovery Box’ to make connections and find an over arching theme to the mystery box. We had so much fun!