

What an amazing couple of weeks it’s been in Foundation! This week we celebrated 100 days of school by dressing up as 100 year olds and doing lots of '100' activities. Some of these activities included movements, sorting objects, making a class book on what we would like to do when we actually turn 100 and lots of counting. 


All of the children looked fantastic and really enjoyed the day. Thank you to all of the parents who have helped us to celebrate 100 days of school.

In Literacy, we have been working on letter formation and creating good sentences. We have been learning about ‘ea’ making the long /e/ sound and all the sounds of the letter ‘y’. We have been making books on libraries and why they are important to our local community.

In Maths, we have been working on place value, and skip counting by ones, tens and fives. The students have been enjoying lots of hands-on activities and learning how we can count by 10s more efficiently than counting by 1s. 

In Wellbeing, we have been learning to be problem solvers and we have been discussing big and little problems.