Sports Notices

Daryl Porter, Health & Physical Education Coordinator ELC - Year 12

Weekly Winter sports recommenced

If you're child is currently participating in weekly sports, please check their relevant Slack TeamApp page for the details about when training and matches recommence. 


Dates vary for each sport due to different competition schedules. 

Summer season sports opportunities

We will soon share the Summer season sporting opportunities for all ages, through our Slack TeamApp, emails and upcoming newsletters. 


Many sports will commence competitions towards the end of Term 3 and the start of Term 4. 


Please stay tuned for more details!

Lily to Represent School Sport SA in National Soccer Championship

Lily N (Year 10) has been selected to join the Under 18 Girls School Sport SA Soccer team representing the state in the National Championships. The championships will be held in Port Kennedy, Western Australia, from Sunday, 11 August to Friday, 16 August 2024. 


We wish her the very best!


If you have any questions or queries about Representative sports or weekly sports, please contact the college on 8292 3888 and we will be happy to assist. 


Daryl Porter

Health, Physical Education & Sports Coordinator ELC-12