Student of the Week Awards
Presented 19/7/24
Student of the Week Awards
Presented 19/7/24
This award goes to Samuel for being a wonderful Foundation Super Star! Samuel is always the first to help others and is dedicated to showing our school HEART values both in the classroom and beyond. His growing confidence to speak in front of others has been demonstrated by speaking at assembly twice and he now contributes to class discussions more readily. Well done, Samuel!
This award goes to Nick for the enthusiasm and determination shown whilst learning about shapes this week. When learning to draw and replicate shapes, Nick took his time and used class charts to ensure his drawings were accurate. He then spent time studying these new shapes and putting in extra practice to learn their names and matching features. Well done Nick!
This award goes to Hudson for the fantastic start he has made to Term 3. Hudson is the first person ready for each lesson and is quick to begin all tasks. He is working without distraction at his table and completing his best work. Keep it up Hudson!
This award goes to Aaliyah for displaying the Scoresby HEART value of Excellence in Writing this week. She drafted and began revising her narrative, Fairy World. She included an interesting setting and dialogue in her writing and I cannot wait to read the finished product. Keep up the great work, Aaliyah!
This award goes to Heath who has had a great start to Term 3. Heath has been able to recall information about his learning and use it in classroom discussions. It is wonderful to see Heath improving his active listening skills! Great work, Heath!
This award goes to Sophie in recognition of the effort you put into your work during independent working time. You are always focussed and display a terrific growth mindset.
Great work Sophie!
This award goes to Mahi for her determination during Maths and valuable contributions made in class. You have shown the Excellence HEART value through your confidence to ask questions and not being afraid to make mistakes. It has been wonderful to see the effort you have made to challenging your understanding of fractions this week and I can’t wait to see what else you will achieve! Well done, Mahi!
This award is presented to Ali for his amazing efforts in Writing. From looking at writing seeds for inspiration, Ali was able to give a clear description of his character, Percy the Pirate. He then went on to incorporate elements of Narrative Writing that led to a creative piece about Percy looking for treasure. Well done Ali!
This award goes to Delilah for consistently making positive contributions to class discussions. This week, Delilah has engaged in all class discussions by answering questions with well thought out responses. Wonderful effort Delilah! Keep up the great work!