Parents & Friends Association News

Father's Day Stall...Can You Help Please?
The PFA will be running a Father's Day Stall on Tuesday 27th August, giving students the opportunity to choose and purchase a gift for their dad, grandfather or father-figure. This is always a popular event with the children.
We need a team of parent helpers who could assist on the day, with setting up, serving students, wrapping gifts and packing up. If you are able to help out, from 8.30-11.30am (for all or part of the time), please let the office staff know, or email
We love being able to provide these events for the children, but can't do it without some help. We would appreciate any time you can give and thank you for your support.
Save The Date
In Term 4, the PFA will be holding a Market Day at Scoresby PS on Saturday 26th October, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. We have lots of fun activities and stalls planned for the day. Please see the flyer below for details about how to book a stall for the Market Day, and feel free to pass it along to people you know who may be interested in having a stall.
It would be great to see as many members of our SPS community come along and support this fun day, so add the date to your calendars now!
We are also making a call to the community for volunteers to help on the day. If you can help for part of the time, or all day, we would value your support. All volunteers must have a Working With Children Check. If you can add your name to our helper list, or would like to find out more, email Kristy at
Thank you for your support!