Classroom News

We have reached the halfway point in Term 3 and we are blown away with how much our Preps are learning in so many different ways.
This week in Little Learners Love Literacy, Jen must get the bus to see Kaz the dog and her six pups at the vet. We have been focusing on our stage 4 heart words, our handwriting and reading fluency.
We have continued our Colourful Semantics learning and how we can turn fragments into sentences that make sense.
We completed our second swimming lesson at Bluewater and are so proud of our Preps for getting in and having a go. A big thank you to those parents who have come to help us already, it is so appreciated.
Friendly reminder, this coming Monday, the 19th of August is our BOOK WEEK dress up and celebration day. Please see the whole school DOJO post for more information. We can’t wait to see everybody dressed up.
Please start bringing your hats back to school within the next two weeks. Following sunsmart guidelines, students will be required to wear hats prior to the end of term. We highly recommend putting your child's name on them.
Please see the whole school DOJO post for costume needs for the upcoming production. Information regarding tickets will be posted shortly.
Here is what our Preps had to say this week!
“I like learning the characters for Little Learners and going to the back playground for soccer.” - Theo Groves
“My favourite part of school is when we do the art room and when I spend some time with my Teachers.” - Tannah Quigley
“I like spending time with my teachers and going to the back playground for the monkey bars”. - Tilda Betts
“I like nature play and the junior playground”. - Archie Roberts
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
How can it already be the half-way mark of Term 3? The saying rings true, time really does fly when you are having fun!
We have had the best time celebrating, watching and investigating the Olympics over the last few weeks. On Friday we also had our prep, one and two mini Olympics and a fun time was had by all!
We still have lots of exciting things coming up this term. Starting with our Book Week dress up on Monday 19th August in the morning. Please see the whole school dojo post for more information on this.
On Tuesday 20th August we will be having a student free day. Our staff will head off to Deakin University in Warrnambool for a professional development day.
We also have our prayer gatherings coming up, starting with 2MO on Friday 23th August. The following two weeks will see 2ER/AD and then Year 1 students sharing their Prayer Gatherings also.
Our students have also been busy rehearsing for our school production ‘Watch This..Space!’ Which will be on September the 12th at Trinity College.
Our swimming lessons are also well underway. It was been pleasing to see so many students having a go and trying their best. We have 3 more weeks of swimming to go.
We also have a few other exciting things in the works, so keep an eye on your class dojo over the coming weeks.
‘I love swimming in the warm water pool!’ - Eli B
‘I loved the running races at the mini Olympics’ - Indie P
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Thank you to the families who came and participated in our 3/4 Mini Olympics. The children really enjoyed showing you thier Olympic Projects and competing against you in the twelve events.
‘I enjoyed being able to show my parents my PowerPoint presentation about Soccer’ - Kendra
‘I enjoyed the bat tap event. I got 46’ - Billy
‘I really enjoyed the mini golf. It was really hard trying to get the ball in that little hole’ - Ted
‘It was really fun, my favourite activity was the mini golf’ - Will
In both Year 3 and 4 we have been working really hard at learning our times tables. It has been wonderful to see how motivated the children have been in achieving their times tables goals.
Next week is Book Week! The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. We are excited to read books from the shortlist and complete activities and craft for our literacy next week. A reminder that next Monday (19th August) is our Book Week Parade. Children are invited to dress up as thier favourite book character or anything involving ‘Reading is Magic’. The parade will begin at 9am in the courts and we invite families to join if they wish.
A Reminder that next Tuesday (20th August) is a student free day.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
We’re halfway through Term 3, and it’s so exciting to see some sunny days! Please remember to bring your hats back to school ASAP because we’ll need to wear them in the next two weeks.
The Grade 5s and 6s had a blast with the Potato Olympics, and now we're diving into a new topic: Natural Disasters.
We’ve got a lot of production rehearsals coming up, and everyone is having a great time practicing their dances and roles for the performance.
Last week, we had Colac Primary School join us for winter sports, and next Friday we’ll be hosting Sacred Heart. It’s awesome to see everyone showing good sportsmanship and making new friends we might see in secondary school in the near future.
Next week is Book Week! Don’t forget to dress up on Monday and join us for the parade on the courts. We can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes. Also, just a heads up that Tuesday will be a pupil-free day, so enjoy the break!
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter