Firstly, we would like to welcome everyone back from the break, students returned mostly fit and refreshed, which was wonderful to see.


We were all straight back into routine and by Friday, it seemed like we had been back for ages.


Last Weekend Activities

On Friday evening, students and staff watched a movie on the big screen and had the fire pit going for a chat and listening to music.


On Saturday, everyone headed off to Bunbury, Eaton, and Treendale to shop and collect some items for the residence. Some bus washing equipment was sourced, the cupboard was reorganised and the adjacent area was swept and tidied.


Some equipment was also picked up for the gym area, which was installed. Once again, the gym area was cleaned up and tidied.


Saturday afternoon Mr Falkingham kindly cut up some firewood and some students assisted in loading the ute and then unloading and stacking the firewood here onsite. A massive thanks to all involved.


Some students went to Bunbury and played Laser tag Saturday evening, while others stayed onsite and watched another movie on the big screen.

Busy Week

Monday and Tuesday evenings was netball and footy training in town.


Tuesday night here onsite, Kryssie Strand introduced a new project with a talking circle. This is a wonderful new initiative that Kryssie is undertaking; the plan is to go through the dorms weekly and one by one, explaining the procedures and guidelines before watching a couple of very thought-provoking videos about some important topics. 


I am certain this will be a fantastic new initiative here at the College and I hope the students buy into the program.


Year 12 Excursion CANCELLED

It was very unfortunate having to cancel this weekend's Year 12 excursion. In collaboration with the student body, this weekend was chosen by the Year12s as being the best fit. Both Heidi Armstrong and Brenton Rice undertook quite a lot of planning and organising, and then having only four students out of the entire year group commit to the day is very disappointing, to say the least.


The Cold and Wet is here

With the onset of the wet and cold weather, it is timely to remind students to continue to undertake good hygiene practices and procedures to ensure that most students and staff can continue learning and operating efficiently. 


Wear wet weather clothing where appropriate; gumboots are probably the best option on the Farm currently to stay dry and warm.