Year 10 Science

This term, we are studying Biology. Students participated in a DNA extraction lab, where they compared the amount of DNA a strawberry has to that of a banana and a kiwi fruit. Did you know that strawberries have 8 sets of every chromosome, while bananas have 3 and kiwi fruit has 6? We only have 2!

Year 10 English

Students are involved in a cultural exchange project between the Shire of Harvey and Moka City in Japan. Earlier this year, our Year 10 English classes sent letters, origami Australian animals and Australian Haiku poetry to Moka Tochigi Agricultural School students. We also included other gifts; a May Gibbs colouring book, stickers and books about folding Australian animals in origami. 


This week, the Year 10 English students received replies to their letters which included traditional Japanese fans, towels and a hand-made miniature kimono. 

Students are learning about the importance of clear communication for a specific purpose and audience, as well as the experiences and interests of the Japanese students.


Year 12 Uni-Ready

Students completed their first chemistry lab for the semester. They had to set up and separate a mixture of freshwater to determine the composition of the different components that make up the river water. Students were very methodical throughout the laboratory experiment.