
Welcome back to Term 3!
We have started this term by revisiting digital wellbeing (thinking about how we can be safe and happy online) with all year levels. The junior students have learnt about the importance of having a variety of online and offline activities so we can be the best version of ourselves. The grade 3/4 students have investigated how we can spot tricky people online while the grade 5/6 students have thought about how they can be in control of technology and their devices.
PREP: We are going to spend the next few weeks coding. They will use the Beebot and VEX123 robots to explore algorithms and code their robot to move around a mat. This unit will also include building on knowledge of directional language and the various parts of the robot that make it work.
GRADE 1 and 2: We will be looking at digital systems and revising the terms hardware and software. Students will then use this knowledge to guide them in completing a design unit, which links to the Science topics they are also learning about throughout Term 3.
GRADE 3: We are using Scratch to build on our coding skills and explore some new coding blocks including variables. We are also continuing to build on our ability to identify bugs (problems) in our code and how we might debug (solve) these.
GRADE 4: We are going to use micro:bits to practice coding and make some fun games including rock, paper, scissors. We will also use the skills we learned to have a go at creating a code of our own that uses forces and variables.
GRADE 5 and 6: Over the next few weeks students will work on creating and coding their own games using the Scratch platform. We will be challenging ourselves to use new blocks in order to build on our coding skills.
We are looking forward to lots of fun in Tech throughout Term 3!