Grade Five

Welcome back to Term Three, it sure has been a busy start! We are very much looking forward to our rescheduled Athletics Day which is due to be held on Tuesday the 30th of July. The first two weeks have been packed with plenty of exciting activities including Pyjama Day and Oatlympics. Students across Grade 5 and the school raised money by bringing in a gold coin donation and by wearing their cozy Pyjamas on a cool 9 degree Melbourne day. The money raised is to support children in foster care and families in need, a great cause we can all get behind. We celebrated the beginning of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games with our own Oatlympics Opening Ceremony and Events. Students dressed up in their classes' countries' colours and spent time creating banners and flags to show their support. This was followed by events such as Soccer Shootout and Relay Races. Families have had a chance to catch up with Teachers in our most recent Student Led Conferences, where students had the chance to discuss their current learning and reflect on their Semester One report.
Literacy lessons have once again started this term with classes getting back into their Literature Circle novels. Students will continue to challenge their own thinking, encouraging their group to question what they read in order to understand, develop and build on their literacy skills through their Literature Circle meetings. Spelling continues to be an integral part of our sessions, where students use the SMART Spelling process to gain a greater understanding of how words work. In Writing we were happy to send fifteen students from across Grade Five to the ‘100 Story Building’ Excursion in Footscray. Students were able to participate in an exciting and interactive workshop, as part of a Victorian Department of Transport and Planning project called the 'Plan For Victoria' project. The workshop focussed on the current living experience and student ideas and visions for the future.
In Maths this term we have jumped straight into some new and exciting units. We started the term revisiting angles including using protractors to measure and identify angles around our classrooms. The Grade Five classes have begun working on a ‘Royal Oatlands Show’ inspired unit of work where the students have a chance to explore coordinates, budgeting, time and many more math areas as a part of the unit. A select group of students had the pleasure of joining Rob Vingerhoets in an extension math class where they learned some cool new strategies from an all time Math legend. We have a very exciting Olympic themed unit of work upcoming that we know the students will love!
Throughout the next few weeks all Grade Five classes are exploring the area of Chemistry as Term Three has the overarching theme of Science. Classes have had a lot of fun starting our unit of work with an interactive game show styled Trivia lesson to help students grasp what areas will be covered moving forward. The Grade Five Students have a very exciting program coming up called URStrong in which students will look at the area of Friendships!
Thank-you so much for your ongoing support; we greatly appreciate it!
Grade Five Team