PFA Meeting
Our next PFA meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th of July at 7:30pm in the staffroom. Parents of Oatlands students are welcome to come along. We will be discussing the school disco fundraiser.
Book club
Issue 5 of book club has gone out. Book club orders will need to placed thru the online portal and will need to be in by Thursday 1st of August.
Oatlands Primary School beanies are available for $20 and are available for purchase via the school office.
Thank you for your continued support.
School Disco
Save the date.
Our annual school disco will be held this year on Friday 30th of August 2024.
Prep to Grade 2 – 6pm to 7:15pm
Grade 3 to Grade 6 – 8pm to 9:30pm.
More information will be come out about the fundraising event.
Entertainment Book
The P.F.A. are raising money for our School, please help us achieve our goal by purchasing your Entertainment Book Membership from us.
The price is $70 for a single city or $120 for a Multi city membership and Oatlands Primary School receives 20% from every Membership sold so tell your family and friends to support us as well.
Please click on the link to buy