School Related Information

Foundation (Prep) 2025 Enrolments
If you have children to begin school next year in Prep could you please enrol your child asap.
Our school, along with other Victorian government schools in the South East Region are partaking in an online system for new Foundation (Prep) enrolments, called VicStudents.
To get started:
- Visit to create an account and complete the online application form by Friday 26 July 2024. If you would prefer to submit a paper application form, please contact us.
- Please refer to the Quick Reference guide attached.
- Or scan the QR code which takes you to the log on screen
School Crossing Safety
School crossings are located at some intersections, pedestrian light crossings and flagged children’s crossings in Casey.
There are a number of ways that you can help ensure the safety of pedestrians and school crossing supervisors a like.
- Always stand behind the yellow/white line
- Wait behind the yellow/white line until the supervisor has clearly blown their whistle twice
- Do not ride bikes across the crossing, bounce balls or run. Walk quickly and safely
- Always cross at the crossing when it is in operation
- Follow the directions of the supervisor.
- Make sure you don’t park your vehicle within the ‘No Stopping’ signs to allow visibility for both vehicles on the road and the crossing supervisor
- Slow down to 40km/h or less in designated school zones
- Obey parking restrictions
- Be alert for the operation of the school crossing.
For more information about how you can travel safely in and around schools, learn about our Safe Around School’s Program.
Tuning in to Kids
Uniting are holding a free six week parenting program for parents or carers of children aged 2-10 years "Tuning in to Kids" and still have a couple of Vacancies. Parents/carers can register themselves through the QR code or contact details in the flyer.
Thank you for helping us support your school community.
The Rangers Learning Centre
The Rangers Learning Centre now has a new facility in Upper Beaconsfield.
Please see the attachment for classes the are offering in term three .