(Bernie's Parent Collective)


Community - Kids – #PrimarySchoolMemories – FUNdraising!

School Disco – Glow Party

The school disco is back bigger and better than ever.

New DJ. Massive prizes. Awesome photo booth. And a glow party theme!

So get your song requests ready, grab your glow in the dark top and bling up those glow accessories.

You must return your permission slip to attend. Permission slips are available at the school office.

There is no bigger date in the school diary than this.

So come on everyone, see you Thursday 27 June at 6pm.

Let’s glow crazy!

Bernie’s Garden Update

The garden group started our winter planting last week, with beetroot, garlic, broccoli and snow peas some of the seedlings we planted. We’ll be planting more in coming weeks and look forward to a bumper crop! A big thanks to our dedicated team of gardeners. The garden will continue to be open on Friday afternoons just after school pick up for any families who would like to come past and have a look.  Ideas, donations and a spare set of hands are always welcome! Anyone who would like more information or to join the garden group contact bpc@stbernardscoburg.catholic.edu.au.