From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
Happy first week of winter! The cold weather has certainly arrived as have colds and viruses. We have seen a number of students away this week and thank you for not sending unwell students to school.
No Newsletter Next Week
As we are on 3/4 Camp next week there will be no newsletter published.
Staff News
Ms Julia, one of our Year 3 /4 teachers will be finishing on Friday 14th June as she begins her maternity leave. We wish Julia and her husband all the best in this next exciting journey and thank her for her contribution to our school. We are in the process of recruitment and will keep you updated.
Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass
Parents and families are warmly invited to join us for Mass this Friday 7th June at 9:30am in the Church. This Mass is to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Families attending are welcome to sit with their child and the class.
Please see the RE page for more information.
Year 3 /4 Camp
Next Tuesday, our Year 3 /4 students will head off to Benloch (just out of Lancefield) for their camp experience. They will enjoy a day of activities before dinner, a night walk or camp talent show before bed and then a yummy breakfast and more activities before heading home on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Tess, Ms Maree, Phil, Mr Reed and I will be attending camp.
A reminder that camp payment was due last Friday 31st May.
We can’t wait to share some photos and camp stories with you when we return.
Wooden Toys
Do you have any wooden train set pieces, wooden car sets or wooden blocks that your children no longer play with? If so we would love to give them a new home. Our junior students love playing outside with the trains but, as happens in a playground, pieces go missing. If you would like to donate any of these items they would be gratefully accepted.
Reports & Report Feedback Session
Reports will be sent home on Friday 21st June and our Report Feedback sessions will be held on Tuesday 25th June from 1:30pm- 6:30pm. Students will finish school at 1:00pm on this day, OSHC is available bookings are essential. It is notcompulsory for parents to meet with teachers however it is an opportunity to discuss your child’s report for those who would like to. Specialist staff will also be available.
If you wish to attend, please book online at
Tuesday 25th June
1:30pm - 6:30pm
CODE: weeq7
Bookings will open next Friday 14th at 9.00am.
The Assembly is on this Friday 7th June at 3.00pm in the hall. The 1/2 classes are hosting this week.
Public Holiday Next Monday
A reminder next Monday 10th June is the King's Birthday public holiday, there is no school on this day.
SAC Meeting – Thursday May 23rd
Xavier Rudd, Spirit Bird opened the recent school advisory council meeting – a beautiful reflection. Joanne gave an update on the extensive 2024 enrolment drive and positive marketing of our school; recent initiatives include St Bernard’s sharing an early reader program with local kindergartens which supports early literacy for children, teaching for parents whilst also advocating our supportive school.
Father Leo gave insight to parish life and was grateful for the wonderful celebration of confirmation last week. Joanne explained further about the intent of Catholic Social Teachings which was the focus of the recent staff professional development day. I had always been inspired by many words of Pope Francis but I’m now encouraged to read of his “Laudato Si”.
The extensive effort from the school’s leadership team to try and understand the analysis done on the council’s proposed Barrow Street closure was explained and supported. It was agreed that it is important the wider school community was informed of some key issues that could impact access and amenity of the school with regard to this council proposal as it's not currently clear they have been adequately considered.
Gabrielle Marr (Mum to Isaac FL and Angus 5/6B)
'Something to Think About'
This clip is of an inspirational young person who encourages us to find a passion, dream big & help others. His message is one about hope and overcoming difficulties.