College News


In Term 2 we have started a LEGO Club taking place every Wednesday at lunchtime in the B-Wing Science lab.  


Students from all year levels have had the opportunity to play, build and experiment with the Lego and Lego technics.  


The students are always excited to participate in the Lego Club and they have learned new skills and made some fantastic creations over the term.  


If anyone has any LEGO at home that they are not using, we would gladly accept any donations for the Lego Club!


We hope to see you there in the future.


SOLE Recognition Day

Students enjoyed the Recognition Day on Friday 24 May where they got to dress up as their superhero or idol!

National Reconciliation Week Walk

On Monday 27 May the Catholic Social Teaching Leaders set off to Echuca along with Mrs Morrissey and Mrs Goode. We arrived at the Smoking Ceremony led by Uncle Rik Ronnan at Alton Reserve before we had an opportunity to be cleansed by the smoke.  After that we walked down Hare Street with members of the community and lots of students from other schools. We arrived at Hopwood Gardens for an official ceremony which included an address by the Shire of Campaspe Mayor and a short speech by a member of Victoria Police. The Aboriginal and Australian flags were both raised at the conclusion of the ceremony. It was a wonderful ceremony to be a part of at the start of National Reconciliation Week.  

Asha-Rose M, Year 8 CST Leader

SOLE Stars

Congratulations to our Week 9 SOLE Stars.

Parish Partnership Luncheon

Our Parish Partnership Luncheon for Term 2 was held last week at St Augustine's Church. It was a wonderful opportunity for our young people to meet and interact with members of the Parish community. Our Parishioners were blown away by the Student Leaders' presentation of all the wonderful learning opportunities and the events that our students have to look forward to. The hot chip lunch and icebreaker games were enjoyed by all! We are looking forward to catching up again in Term 3! 

Year 5-8 Community Mass


We gathered together for the 5-8 Community Mass on Thursday 30 May and explored the theme of Reconciliation Week.


We used the Christian symbol of Light to express that we acknowledge the need to change and bear witness to Reconciliation with open eyes and hearts. Tea lights were used as a sign that we journey together with one another and work for healing and peace. We prayed that all Australians walk together seeking healing and Reconciliation and that all Australians work for a united Australia where all are welcome and are at home.

Year 9-12 Community Mass 

In the sacred space of St Augustine’s Church, for our 9-12 Community Mass we opened our hearts and minds and devoted our attention to the real world issues that surround us. Through the Mass we acknowledged and gained an understanding of the depth and breadth of violence against women and men's mental health. We understand that we begin in small ways to overcome the complexities of gender violence as we grow and learn in this space. We came together as the 9-12 Community, bound by our shared commitment of compassion, understanding, and love. Through our collective prayers and intentions, we created a harmonious and supportive environment for all, by sowing small seeds of hope. We also all wore a purple ribbon to symbolise peace, courage, survival, honour, and personal dedication to domestic violence awareness. Heart shaped notes were laid on the Altar step by all staff and students. These notes contained words of commitment and hope towards encouraging respectful relationships in our society. We are grateful to Fr Jackson from St Brendan’s Parish for coming across to celebrate this beautiful Mass with us.


Australian Budgies Indigenous Netball Team

Congratulations to Maggie in Year 8 who has been selected in the 15 and under Australian Budgies Indigenous Netball Team. They will be playing in New Zealand from 25 September to 4 October 2024. Further information about Maggie's netball journey and an opportunity to help raise funds for Maggie to attend can be found in the Community News section. 


Sustainability Tips

  • Leave your car at home and use public transport, or walk or ride to your destination. 
  • Turn off the tap, when brushing your teeth to save on your water consumption
  • Use reusable plastics instead of single-use ones - a nude food lunchbox is a great idea!