From Carolyn Goode

Deputy Principal - Wellbeing

Students enjoyed the Recognition Day on Friday 24 May where they got to dress up as their superhero!  The goal behind this was to celebrate good qualities in people we admire. In TA groups students were reminded of the importance of recognising the good in others and that when we do this we are encouraging positive thoughts and actions.  A number of class groups participated in affirmation activities where students recognised on small cards the special traits that they admired in other classmates. Our SOLE team (which includes members from our staff and student groups) were instrumental in organising the day and we were certainly grateful for their contributions. 


We had fifty five parents attend the Digital Wellbeing presentation delivered by Leah, from The Resilience Project last Wednesday evening.  Leah explored practical tips and strategies to create healthy habits around screen time, to positively impact relationships and strengthen connections within the home. Leah was realistic in her presentation declaring from the outset that as a mum she has found issues surrounding device use in the home challenging.  Her practical approach led participants to reflect on ideas and strategies to enhance parents' own digital wellbeing and to be positive role models for their family.  Parents were provided with information around the common Applications and uses that young people engage in device use for.  This presentation was followed by a presentation from headspace Echuca which gave insight into the service and how families might access this service. 


I then presented some information regarding what our College commonly addresses with regard to device misuse and what this leads to in terms of issues for students and staff.  It was pleasing to see that many families engaged with the presentation.  A copy of the slides are available to those who would like them.  You can access these by emailing  


Alannah, our new Wellbeing Officer and Tess, our College Psychologist have settled into their roles really well.  Already they have seen a number of students assisting in many aspects of mental health and wellbeing. If you feel that your child needs support from a Wellbeing Officer, please make contact with your child’s TA and they can organise a referral to this service.


Carolyn Goode

Deputy Principal
