Wonderful 1/2

0ne(two)derful 1/2s

Term 3 Week 2 2024 -  Friday 26th July



What have we been up to? 

Welcome back for Term 3! This year is passing by so quickly. We have another busy term in front of us. All of our students are involved in our Term 3 concert which will be held on September 12th. We have sent out an email regarding our school concert. If you need extra information please contact your student’s classroom teacher or Ms Susie. We would appreciate help with the costumes and props, our theme is Space. Our beautiful students are so excited about their upcoming performance and we look forward to all families coming to watch. 


Students are now participating in Performing Arts lessons each Thursday to practice for their performance with Mrs D and Ms Susie. 


All students have been writing a narrative for the Fish Creek Writing Competition and two students from each class have been chosen to represent the school and submit their story. Please know that you are able to submit your child’s story to the competition, even if they were not chosen at school. All the students have put in an amazing effort in their story and they should be so proud of what they produced. It is the effort that our students put into their work that we recognise and value so much. Well done!


Students have begun looking at Poetry this semester in writing and will be introduced to a range of different poetry types throughout the term. In Maths, students have been learning about fractions. The past two weeks have had a focus on halves, quarters and eights and students have been loving the fun activities involving fractions each lesson. If you want to continue their learning about fractions, have a discussion at home whenever you are cutting food up, sharing or measuring. 


In Inquiry, we have started looking at the Paris Olympics that is starting this week. We will be talking about the teams and the value of being a supportive team player. The students are very excited to watch a range of sports and support Australia. The olympic games demonstrates the importance of belief in our goals and striving to do our very best. This can relate to students' own goals in life, whether that is in sports, music or their daily lives. 


We look forward to having another amazing term. 



The 1/2s have been have been learning about fractions in Maths groups. 


The 1/2s made house and towers out of cards and blocks to get them excited for our first Poem type - Shape Poems. 



What is coming up?


Students will stay reading, examining and discussing a variety of poetry books. 



For writing, students will continue to have a focus on sentence structure and handwriting using the Write 2 Learn program. We will be continuing to focus on sentence expansion using a variety of conjunctions to create different compound sentences. 



For Maths we will be looking at Time. This will include duration and reading a clock. 



Students will be looking at the Olympics. 


Important reminders:


  • Please don’t forget to bring back your Home Readers each Friday. This is very important. Students need to be returning these books so that they can borrow new ones for home reading practice. 


  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Specialist Days 
  • Monday - AUSLAN, Art/Cultural Studies, PE & Music

Thursday - Performing Arts.