Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 3 Week 2 - 26th July, 2024 


Welcome back!

We welcome everyone back from their holidays! It was so wonderful to hear all about the amazing adventures that everyone went on! From overseas trips, to Museum visits! Everyone has come back to school with great excitement and motivation.


100 Days of Prep

On Tuesday 30th July all preps will be celebrating 100 days of Learning with a range of fun activities!

We invite parents to share the morning with us from 9.15am - 10.15am

We ask all students to come dressed up as 100 year olds.

Please let your classroom teacher know if you have any questions.


Le Page MS readathon

From Friday the 26th July to Thursday the 15th August Le page is doing our very first readathon! This event encourages all students to embrace their love of reading, and allows them to be sponsored for their efforts. More information has been sent home in the blue satchels, and via compass. 


Welcome Miss Marnie

Prep A is lucky enough to have a student teacher, Marnie, join us from Swinburne University for 4 weeks. Miss Marnie wanted to share some information about herself!


I am Miss Marnie; I am a student studying a Bachelors of Primary school teaching at Swinburne University. Apart from studying full-time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, whilst keeping active to continue to play within the National Women’s Ice hockey team. Thank you all for having me at Le Page Primary for my placement, I am looking forward to learning alongside all Prep A students and Ms Diggins. 




What we are learning!



This week, we are focusing on 2D shapes. We are learning about circles, rectangles, triangles, squares and ovals. We have been focussing on how many sides and corners each shape has. We have also been exploring the different places that we see each shape in our day to day life! Over the next week, we will be creating a poster about our favourite shape. We can't wait to show you!


Little Learners love literacy:


We continue to stream our Little Learners Love Literacy program between the Prep-2 cohort. The students love being challenged and motivated in their new groups this term, and they are all absolutely thriving.The LLLL program focuses on letter sounds and how we can use them in our word formation.


In Literacy, We have been learning about poetry. We are beginning to learn about rhyming words, to eventually create our very own poems. We have been reading books that include rhymings words and have had so much fun exploring this topic. Try coming up with some rhyming words at home, whether they are real, and fake words!

Leader In me:

We are continually embedding the 7 habits language into our daily teaching through the weeks. This week’s focus is Habit 5: Seek to understand, then to be understood.



Every term, we have a different inquiry focus. This term is a science based focus: Life cycles and animal habitats. We have begun to decorate our plant cups to grow our very own plants! We have been exploring what plants need to grow.



Important reminders:

- No Hats are required for outside play in Term 2 & 3.

  • Please ensure that every item of clothing, including lunch boxes are clearly labelled.
  • The T-shirt you all received at information night “I'm a leader in Prep at LePage are welcome to be worn by the Preps as part of their daily uniform. 
  • Please remember to ensure your child’s blue satchel is in their bag each day as we begin to put important forms and reminders in them.
  • Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in the bags, just in case.