From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?


Semester 2 Student Lighthouse Election

This week, the election for the Student Lighthouse Team membership took place. Self-nominated students presented short speeches to their classmates, explaining why they believed they were suited to represent their peers on the team. Student candidates spoke about:

  • An idea for change
  • Purchase of resources
  • Plans for special events or themed days
  • Fundraising ideas
  • Community links ideas

Students in each class voted for one nominee to represent them. We are pleased to announce the new Student Lighthouse Team members, who will be presented with their badges next week at our assembly Friday August 2nd at 3pm.


FA Blair L, FB Lucy G

12A Lucy B, 12B William F, 12C James M, 12D Bodhi B

34A Lyla, O 34B, William C, 34C William S

56A Monique H, 56B Marie L, 56C Julia S


The first Student Lighthouse Team meeting will be on Friday, August 2nd, at 11:20 AM in the staffroom. We congratulate all the new members and thank everyone who participated.


Kingston Koorie Mob Event

Yesterday, the Kingston Koorie Mob organized a wonderful event for all First Nation students at the Danny Frawley Centre in Moorabbin. Our student leadership team had the privilege of attending this enriching day. The event featured sessions on Cultural Awakening, providing valuable insights and connections to our heritage. Additionally, students enjoyed a special session with football players and club members, making the day both educational and fun. We are grateful to the Kingston Koorie Mob for creating such a meaningful experience for our students.


The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy

NAPLAN is an annual assessment for all students in Australia in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. It tests the fundamental skills in reading, writing, language (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy.



  • To measure whether young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes.
  • To provide data that supports improvements in teaching and learning.


  • Reading: Assessing students' ability to understand and interpret various types of texts.
  • Writing: Evaluating students' skills in writing cohesive and coherent texts.
  • Language Conventions: Testing spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Numeracy: Assessing mathematical skills and knowledge.


  • Tests are conducted in May each year.
  • The assessments are completed in a standardised format, ensuring consistency and comparability of results across the country.
  • The results are used to inform schools, teachers, and parents about students' progress.


  • Identifies strengths and areas for improvement in individual students.
  • Provides schools with data to inform teaching practices.
  • Helps education authorities monitor the effectiveness of educational programs.

Use of Results:

  • Schools use the results to identify areas for improvement.
  • Results contribute to a national report on educational outcomes, informing policy and funding decisions.
    • Integrity: Being true to your values and commitments.

NAPLAN plays a crucial role in ensuring that students across Australia receive a high-quality education, equipping them with essential literacy and numeracy skills for their future.


We are pleased to inform you that the NAPLAN results were provided to students and parents last Friday. We encourage parents to review the results with their children and discuss any strengths or areas for improvement. If you have any questions or need further assistance in understanding the results, please do not hesitate to contact the school.


National Tree Day

We are excited to share that Kelleigh Caulfield, a dedicated staff member at Le Page Primary, reached out to a local nursery to arrange seedlings for National Tree Day. With their guidance, we selected the best species for our area and season, focusing on teaching students the importance of caring for nature. National Tree Day teamed up with Deadly Ed to provide our teachers with the confidence, knowledge, and resources to incorporate Aboriginal perspectives into their National Tree Day activities. This collaboration enriched our program and ensured a comprehensive learning experience. Today, some of our students had the opportunity to plant trees and shrubs. They celebrated the positive impact they are making on the environment and enjoyed a hands-on learning experience.


BridgeBuilders Pilot Program

BridgeBuilders is dedicated to developing and empowering young people, helping them build their skills, achieve their goals, and foster community connections. We are excited to announce a collaborative effort between BridgeBuilders, Le Page Primary School, and AVEO Kingston Green Retirement Village to launch a four-week pilot program. This pilot program will involve 8 students and 8 AVEO residents, focusing on activities designed to help participants become familiar and comfortable with each other while having fun. This innovative community pilot program aims to create meaningful connections and may serve as a model for similar initiatives across the system in the future. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this program will have on both students and residents.


Lost Property

There is an abundance of unlabelled uniform items in the lost property trolleys located in Block A and the BER buildings. We encourage you to check the trolleys for any lost items that may belong to you. To help prevent this issue in the future, please remember to label all uniform items with your name.


Think Win-Win

Habit 4 of Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is "Think Win-Win." This habit focuses on creating mutually beneficial solutions in your interactions with others. Here are the key points of Habit 4:


Win-Win Paradigm: It's about finding a solution that benefits both parties, rather than one side winning at the expense of the other.


Character Traits:

  • Maturity: Balancing courage and consideration in your interactions.
  • Abundance Mentality: Believing there's enough for everyone and focusing on sharing resources and opportunities.

Relationships: Build strong relationships based on trust and cooperation. A win-win approach fosters a supportive environment and long-term relationships.


Agreements: Develop agreements that clearly define roles, goals, and outcomes, ensuring all parties are committed and understand their responsibilities.


Systems: Implement systems that support win-win outcomes, such as performance reviews, reward systems, and communication channels.


Processes: Follow a process to achieve win-win solutions, including:

  • Seeing the problem from the other person's perspective.
  • Identifying key issues and concerns.
  • Determining what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution.
  • Finding new options to achieve those results.

Practicing Habit 4 helps create a culture of cooperation, collaboration, and mutual respect, leading to more effective and satisfying relationships both personally and professionally.


Trivia Night 

Tomorrow, the school's Social and Fundraising team will host our second Trivia Night! The dress theme is "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up," so come dressed as your childhood dream job and enjoy a night filled with fun and games. This event is not just about having a great time; it’s also a fantastic opportunity to raise significant funds for our school. This year, the funds raised will go towards a new chicken fence and a new speaker system for our outdoor events. We look forward to seeing you there!


Thought for the Week

"Happiness is not something readymade; it comes from your own actions." The Dalai Lama


Have a great weekend everyone.

George Danson