Wellbeing with 

Mrs Webber 


This week in Peaceful Kids, we have been talking about ‘FLOW’. Flow relates to an activity that you do that takes up 100% of your brain to do. You are completely immersed in the activity that time seems to just fly by!

Flow activities for both children and adults are extremely important as it strengthens your pre-frontal cortex, allowing you to be more resilient. We don’t get stressed as easily which then leads to better health, sleep, moods and overall wellbeing. 

Some examples of Flow are:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Art and craft
  • Sport or exercise
  • Playing with friends
  • Imaginative play 
  • Board games and card games
  • Listening to music or playing/making music


You will notice that computer games, TV (movies) and social media are not a part of Flow. We do find ourselves getting lost in these activities but they do not strengthen our brains. So we want less technology and more of the above examples!