Art / Cultural / Music / PE & Health / Library / Auslan

Specialist News 



On returning to school for term 3 we have started working on some team sports.

The foundation, year 1 and 2 students have started developing their skills and understanding of soccer, while the years 3-6 students have been very excited to learn all about the NFL (Grid iron football) through a new NFL Flags program. This game is very exciting for everyone as it is the first time this sport has been taught at our school, and in fact is very new to primary schools in Australia.


During soccer the students have been learning about which part of their foot they should use to kick the ball accurately to a partner, as well as dribbling the ball and passing. I have also been highlighting the importance of good teamwork and sportsmanship.

The foundation to year 2 students have been enjoying the skills and games we have been playing.


The 3-6 students were introduced to the ball, which is a little smaller and pointier than an AFL or rugby ball. They developed an understanding of how to hold the ball correctly for throwing (quarterback) and how to catch different throws. They have also learned about ‘the snap’ and being a ‘receiver’.


NFL flags is a non-contact sport, using belts and flags that students pull off to count as a tackle. It has been impressive to see how well the students have picked up the different skills.



Jarrod Bradley

PE/Sports Coordinator



Culture Studies

Last week in Culture Studies, we acknowledged NAIDOC week, which was officially recognised in the last week of the school holidays, from the 7th – 14th July.  NAIDOC Week stands for National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee which occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture, and achievements of First Nations people. All students were able to connect to land through their sense of sight, smell & hearing. Foundation to Year 2 students connected to land through creating nature animals, where they used leaves to make an animal art piece, they also were inspired by first nations art by designing lines, dots & shapes within an Australian animal outline. Year 3 to 6 students connected to land by creating their own sand symbols and continued to be inspired by first nations art where they created their own designs on a small piece of wood which will be hung up in the entrance area of the school. 

A number of schools were invited to send their school leaders and teachers to attend a Koorie Day at St Kilda Football club with Aunty Katrina Amon. I took six student leaders from years 5-6 to this event where we were welcomed with a cultural awareness session, watched St. Kilda FCs training session over lunch and participated in an Art session creating Wondjeka signs and creating a jumper design/what is your identity.










Visual Arts

This week in Visual Arts, Foundation students created an African animal paper mosaic, where they chose an African animal printable face (Elephant, lion, leopard/ cheetah). Students arranged their paper squares within their animal face, making sure they leave a little space in between their squares (giving the mosaic effect). Year 1/2 students created African animal fur prints, where they planned a design using lines, shapes and patterns on their printing foam piece, they then printed their foam onto an African animal outline. Year 3/4 students, also worked on printmaking, following the same process as year 1/2’s but focusing on theme of sea life animals. Year 5/6 student’s first painted a sunset background, using warm colours (yellow, orange, red). They then blended and changed the value of their colours to help give the sunset effect. Once dried, students were able to trace around African animal templates with black paint or markers which created a silhouette effect. 


At the beginning of this term Till the end of the year, we are so happy, grateful and lucky to have Ms Zehra our ES staff member to help support the students and myself in our Visual Arts & Culture Studies lessons




Auslan for the Newsletter – July 25

Auslan in Foundation

It has been a wonderful start to term with students coming back with lots of stories to share about what they did during their break. We are starting to learn signs for different fruits and had a lot of fun practicing by playing fruit bingo. Students have also been working on signs for different Zoo animals. In class we read a story, A visit to the Zoo by Auslan educator and author Kerrie Taylor, before students practiced their constructed action skills by moving our bodies like the animals in the books and then learnt to sign some of our favourite zoo animals.

Years 1 to 6

Students across years one to six have begun the unit About Me. The Auslan presenters from Auslan Education Services shared a video about Deaf Culture with the students in the first week back. They shared personal stories of their schooling, growing up in families with hearing parents and siblings, what work they do now and how Auslan has impacted their lives. We thank the AES team for sharing these insights with us as it was really inspiring to hear their stories and realise how Auslan has made communication so much more accessible to each of them. Throughout the term students will be also sharing stories about themselves in Auslan. Over the coming weeks students will be learning to sign information to introduce themselves as well as tell others a bit about themselves. Using previous and new topic areas students are starting to sign sentences such as My favourite, I like or dislike and ask each other questions. They have been practicing by signing in pairs and small groups. 

Next week all year levels will be learning signs relating to sport and the Olympics in celebration of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

New YouTube series launch from Auslan Education Services

Auslan Education Service, the team behind our weekly videos and program, have launched an exciting new YouTube channel called Auslan Time with Geo. The short videos will cover a range of Auslan signs and topics as well as include some interviews with special guests. It’s a great additional resource not only for schools but also any student or family who wants to learn some more about the Auslan community, culture, and language at home. Head over to Auslan Time with Geo on YouTube to watch his first videos!


If you would like to contact me about the Auslan program then I am available on email at or available at school Monday through to Thursday.




Readathon Starts Friday!


We are very excited to announce Le Page Primary School is running a Readathon to support enhanced literacy skills and to assist us in fundraising to support our school and our students. Our students will be seeking online sponsorship for their efforts across our 3 week Readathon fundraiser.  The Readathon will encourage all students to embrace a love of reading, with the overall goal being to increase the amount of time spent reading each day, with sponsorship for their efforts.


How will this fundraiser work? This year we have partnered with online fundraising company Go Raise It.  Collecting sponsorship online makes it super easy for everyone - no more door knocking, your child can share their efforts with and collect more donations from further afield (friends & family living overseas, work colleagues etc) and no need to worry about handling cash!


The children will set themselves a fundraising goal AND choose an amount of time they want to read for each day as their Readathon objective.


How do I sign my child up to fundraise online? Each child can sign up for their very own fundraising web page to send out to collect online sponsorship from anyone, anywhere! You can share the link to their page on social media, email, text etc with colleagues, friends and family right around the world. 😊


Just go to our Fundraising Hub page at: and click on the SETUP A FUNDRAISING PAGE button.


If you need any help email for direct assistance.


Multiple children in your family? No problem, all children can sit under the same email address. You’ll find a button to set up another page while logged in to the fundraising account you created first.


We would love everyone to have an online account as this allows the school to significantly reduce administration overheads. Go Raise It adheres to strict cyber safe guidelines and this is built into our fundraising website. 



