News of the Week

Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to Ella
This week we welcomed back Ella O (Class of 2020) who is a past student at St Brigid's. Ella is in Year 10 at Parkdale Secondary College and is completing work experience with us.
What do you think of St Brigids?
Did you know I went to St Brigid's? I think it's a very good school and the community here is very welcoming. There are different activities and opportunities for the students.
What school do you go to?
I go to Parkdale Secondary College.
Have you enjoyed working here?
Yes, it's been good seeing what each class gets up to.
What classes have you worked in?
Bike Education (sport), Foundation, 1/2, Stem 5/6 , 3/4 , Art.
St Brigid's Athletics Day - TOMORROW
Our rescheduled Athletics Carnival is on tomorrow!!
The day will begin with all students completing a 100m sprint. Then students will rotate through track and field events throughout the day. All students will earn house points for their house colour. There will be an assembly back at school at 3pm to announce the overall house colour winners.
Students in Years 3-6 will complete long jump, shot put, discus, hurdles, 200m, 100m and 800m events. The results from these events will pick the St Brigid’s Athletics team that will represent our school at the Mordialloc District Athletics Carnival in September. Students from Foundation - Year 2 will compete in athletic and novelty events.
Venue: Mentone Athletics Track (Dolamore Oval, Queen St, Parkdale VIC 3195)
Time: 8:45am - 3:00pm (Please make sure your child/ren are on time as the bus will be leaving promptly at 8.50am.)
Transport: Students will be transported via bus to and from the venue accompanied by staff.
Uniform: Full school sports uniform (including their Sport polo)
*Students will need to bring a packed snack, lunch, water bottle and a warm coat and beanie in case of rain for the day*
We are looking forward to our Mum's and Dad's helping out.
Year 6 boys transition Day St Bedes
Did you enjoy the transition day?
Declan: I enjoyed the transition day because I got to see the place I will go to high school at and do activities with my friends, and I got to make some new friends.
Josh: I thought it was fun and it got me excited to go to St. Bedes next year.
Ethan: Yes because now I am excited to try to join the F1 team and because I enjoyed doing the science
What was your favorite part of the day?
Declan: My favorite part was in science, when we exploded a balloon with gas inside it.
Josh: My favorite part was playing soccer in the fields.
Ethan: My favorite part was learning about the F1 program.
Are you excited for high school?
Declan: I am excited for high school because I got to have a taste of what it will be like.
Josh: I am excited for high school because I am excited for science.
Ethan: Yes because I can do F1 in school.
Walk to School Interview with Mrs Thredgold
When will the winning class be announced?
Winners will be announced in the first week back next term.
Is this the last week for the Golden Boot?
Next week is the last week for Walk, Scoot, Ride to School Wednesday and the last chance to earn points to win the Golden Boot Award.
What is happening next Wednesday ( 26 June)?
To celebrate the last week of the Golden Boot award families are most welcome to meet us at the Peanut Park (Ben Kavanagh Reserve - cnr Chute & McDonald Street) on Wednesday morning at 8:15am to walk, scoot or ride to school with St Brigid's Staff.
When will the winner be announced?
The winning class will be announced in the first week back next term.
Year 5/6 Spirit Filled Night
Interview with Harry H
What did you like about the night?
I liked the funny jokes and the inspiring words used by Father Elio Capra.
Was the night fun and what did you learn?
It is always fun to see my friends outside of school. I learnt to always be thankful and to make the right choices in life.
Interview with Chloe F
What did you like about the night?
Father Elio made lots of funny jokes.
Was the night fun and what did you learn?
He made the learning experience fun and entertaining.
Interveiw with Ava C
What did you like about the night?
I thought Father Capra was very entertaining. He told good jokes.
Was the night fun and what did you learn?
I thought is was a really fun night and I learnt all about Confirmation.
Naming of the New City of Kingston Pool
This week all the students at St Brigid's cast their votes for the new City of Kingston Pool.
We posted our votes into a Ballot Box which will be collected by the City of Kingston next week. We can't wait to see which name is chosen for our new pool.
Year 4 Girls see the Frozen Musical at Kilbreda
This week our Year 4 Girls were very kindly invited by Kilbreda Secondary College to watch their 2024 Show - Frozen. Here is a letter written by the Year 4 Girls.
St Brigid’s Primary
Year 4 students
Dear Kilbreda & St Bede’s Colleges
Thank you for allowing us to see your show, Frozen-Junior. We appreciate the lending of your bus to get us to and from the performance. St Brigid’s had the best seats, front row so we could see everything clearly and enjoy the live play.
We were blown away by the performances of each character, you did an amazing job. The singing and dancing was on point and made it a magical experience. The performers stayed in character the whole way, so it flowed and it appeared very professional. The sets that you made were effective and impactful as were the props and costumes all made the scenes and experience exciting. Well done to those working backstage, you enabled the show to flow smoothly. It was incredible that you involved over 120 students dedicated to put this performance together. Overall the courage and eye contact with the audience was obvious. We could tell you were practiced, confident and proud performers.
Thanks again for inviting us to your play. We will certainly tell others about it and encourage them to go. In the future we would love to be invited back again to your performances that you put on.
Thanking you
The Year 4 students of St Brigid’s Mordialloc.
Parents Trivia Night
What a great time our parents had at the St Brigid's Trivia night on Saturday. The competition was fierce with the "Difference between Ignorance and Apathy" Team coming out on top. The Staff were very pleased they didn't come last and were happy with their third place. A big congratulations to the Todd Family who won first and second prize in raffle on the night. We are wondering if your new paddle board will fit in the new pool? Thank you to the SB Squad for organising such a great night.
Celebration of Learning
A reminder that our Term 2 Celebration of Learning is on Monday. We have tweaked it a little bit so all students will be in their own rooms so parents can see the wonderful work they have done this term. The Celebration of Learning will begin at 2.15pm and conclude at 3.00pm. Please note we ask that you do not take your child/ren home early as they enjoy the opportunity to talk to other parents about their work. Children will need to be at school also to pack up their work after the Celebration of Learning has taken place.
Congratulations to Nate
Well done Nate (1/2A) - Nate won the Encouragement Award at the Dance Fusion Concert on the weekend. Nate received the award for always helping and encouraging others, and for always having a smile on his face. We can certainly vouch for that! What a great effort Nate, we are very proud of you.
New Mathematics Curriculum
As I mentioned in the Newsletter on 16 May, at the start of this year St Brigid’s introduced the new Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum. The Mathematics curriculum was to be trialled and reported agsinst in Semester 2, 2024, however, for consistency it was recommended that we start it in Semester 1 of this year at the start of the year. Due to this our reporting on Maths will look completely different this year. We will have only 1 dot point to cover all 6 strands of math and underneath the dot point we will include a comment on math to explain what they have achieved rather than put the math comment in the general comment.
See below for an example of what the Math report will look like.
As the achievement standards reported on have changed, Semester One report under the Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum, will only show achievement and not progress. For all reports after this, progress will be shown.
Again we have had a lot of illness circulating this week, with reports of some children sick with RSV. We know our families are really feeling it and we are thinking of you. If your child is unwell, please keep them at home to stop the spread of sickness. RSV is particularly contagious. If a child presents to sickbay with sickness during the day, families will be notified and you will be asked to come and collect them.
Running Club
Week 10 running club
laps run = 120
km run = 6.0km
Total Km = 470.2km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Tarcutta. Join us Tuesday for the last Running Club for Term 2.
School Closure Day - Friday 28 June
One last reminder to families that next Friday 28 June is a school closure day for Staff Professional Development. Our students will finish Term 2 at 3:15pm next Thursday. TheirCare will be open on Friday, please make your booking asap.
We hope you have enjoyed this week's Student Newsletter proudly presented by the Arts and Culture Team.
Eden, Stephanie, Ana, Grace, Mikey and Jack