Mathematics Reporting in Victorian Government schools.

All Victorian Government schools must use the Mathematics Curriculum 2.0 in 2025. 


Dear parents and carers,


We wrote to you a couple of weeks ago to let you know about the changes to student reporting for Mathematics in Victorian Government schools.


As explained previously, the new Mathematics Curriculum (version 2.0), requires teachers to report against the achievement standard as a whole, providing a single, aggregated score. Previously, achievement in Mathematics was reported as 3 separate scores.


All Department of Education (DET) schools are required to implement the Mathematics Curriculum version 2.0 by 2025.


As a school, our teachers have been working hard to adjust their planning and teaching to cater to the demands of the new Mathematics Curriculum. With changes of this magnitude, it will take a little time to adjust.


Given the changes made to curriculum content and the revisions to how Mathematics achievement is scored means that the achievement score your child(ren) receives in Mathematics this semester may appear lower than their previous semester’s score. It is important to understand that this should not be interpreted that your child(ren)s learning or achievement in Mathematics has ‘gone backwards’ but is attributed to resequencing and realignment of content and skills within the new curriculum.


The new Mathematics Curriculum is not directly comparable with the previous Mathematics Curriculum given that skills and content have been modified and aligned to different achievement standard levels.


This means that the Mathematics report you receive for your child(ren) at the end of this semester will only show their achievement, not progress.


Mathematics Curriculum version 2.0 is a strengthened and more rigorous curriculum, which aligns content with the assessment frameworks for OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends In International Mathematics And Science Study (TIMS) and international curriculum standards.


In our next communication, we will provide an example of what your child(ren)’s Mathematics report will look like.



Mark Kent and Pam Wright

Co Principals



Ivanhoe Primary School