Stars of the Week 

Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence

Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values.


Our Stars of the Week


FH         Luka

For actively listening and applying feedback to work towards his personal best and beyond. Well done Luka!


1G          Zach

For the outstanding confidence you displayed when reading out loud to the class using beautiful expression. Keep up the fantastic work Zach!


2M         Nian & Musa

For your fantastic descriptive writing about the castle. What great adjectives you used!


3J          Rafael & Angus

For your thoughtful and creative examples using the language of Chance in our maths sessions this week. You added lots of insightful comments to our class discussions, awesome work Raf and Angus!


4K        Hamish

For your confidence and willingness to give everything a go as you settle into IPS. We are so fortunate to have you in 4K.


4T      Jeremy

For using the resources in the classroom and applying the strategies we've worked on in class to your published narrative. Well done!


6P      Jimmy

For his confident and diligent approach to complete his schoolwork and homework. Outstanding attitude Jimmy!


Music      5M

For the incredible effort you have made in Music to prepare for Battle of the Bands. Your confidence in performing to a school tour group was greatly appreciated. Well done!



FD          Kyle

Well done to Kyle for the persistence you are showing when completing your learning tasks. You attempt all tasks with a positive attitude. Keep up the great work!


FS          Xavier

For showing great independence in your learning. Well down for working well to complete your tasks on time. Keep of the great work!


1R          Ritten

For the improved persistence you have demonstrated in your learning tasks this week! Keep up the amazing effort!


2N         Amber

For your amazing independence that you show with all your learning. You always engage in all your class tasks and produce excellent work. Well done!


3O          Maria

For the commitment and dedication, you have demonstrated in class to the furthering of your reading skills. Well done and keep it up!


5L         Daniel Y

For the way you approach change in the classroom with such a positive mindset. You are a wonderful and valued member of 5L Daniel!


5S          Isla

For independently applying your skill and knowledge to write a wonderful NAIDOC week poem. I am so impressed! Amazing work Isla!


6R         Lachlan

for working diligently on your learning tasks and using your time wisely in class. Keep up the amazing work!



FD           Naksh

Well done Naksh for showing kindness towards your classmates when they are in need of help or care. You are very quick to offer help and always greet others with a friendly smile. Keep it up! 


FM           The Whole Class

For your amazing work this week, you have all shown respect to your teachers and each other. Keep up the great work!


1G            Piper

For always being a kind and considerate member of our class. We are so lucky to have you in 1G! Keep up the amazing work Piper!


1L            Cara

For always being so considerate of those around you. You are kind, helpful and thoughtful and we are just so fortunate to have you in our grade!


3M           Patrick

For the constant kindness he shows to all class members and his willingness to go out of his way to support others!  3M is so lucky to have you!


4C            Olivia

For your kindness and respect you ALWAYS demonstrate towards your peers and teachers - you always make our class smile! We love having you in 4C!


6H             Fiona

For showing respect to others by being a kind friend.


Italian       Jude (6P)

For consistently setting a good example, showing respect and cooperation to his peers and teachers.


PE            3O

For your respectful interactions during PE this week. 



1H           Harry

For pushing through with swimming and having the best time! Your bravery makes you such an incredible role model for the whole grade! Go Harry!!


2S           Huzayl

For always working hard to get your work done and for showing pride when sharing it with the class! Well done.


3H            Marcus

For your persistence and determination to improve your handwriting. Its got a lovely flow and looking awesome!


4F            Harrison

For the persistence you've shown with your assessments this week - What a star!


5M          Vivaan

For thinking carefully about the answers to class questions and tasks and persisting to ensure your statements are clear and well thought out. Super effort Vivaan!


Art          Ollie (5L)

For persisting in learning to sew, with a little help from Evie, you became more and more confident with each stitch, excellent work Ollie!



Stars of the Week & School Values

We focus on positive behaviours and good citizenship. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school. Our School Values are Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, and Respect. 


It is up to all of us to bring our values to life and present them in a way that makes sense.  Here are some examples.


Persistence - is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.


Resilience - Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.


Confidence - Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.


Independence – Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.


Respect - Is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.


Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values and set an example to our community . Behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.