From the Principal

King's Birthday Public Holiday - Monday 10th June

Students Attitude to School Survey  (Years 4 to 6)

This year the survey will be conducted between the 27th May and the 14th June.

 Welcome to IPS


IPS is built on the foundations of providing a positive, vibrant and inspiring environment where students are valued and encouraged to succeed in becoming life-long learners. We encourage the development of the whole student and aim to support learners in becoming curious, reflective and critical in their thinking as global citizens.


Our school values of Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience and Respect are woven through daily school life where our students regularly demonstrate behaviours and attitudes relating to our values that form the unique culture of IPS.


Students performing to a large audience in the Solo Strings Soirees over three evenings this week exemplify how they demonstrate school values. Each one has, over time; persisted in practising with their instruments when sometimes it was difficult, shown resilience when perhaps they could easily have given up when given feedback to improve, shown respect to their instrumental teachers and to their peers when performing, had the confidence to conquer their nerves on the night and of course, demonstrated their independence playing their solo pieces.


This year, 80 students performed in the annual Strings Solo Soiree over three nights. The strings teachers have been so proud to see the extra effort people have put into preparing their solos and the courage people have shown to persevere through uncomfortable feelings in order to perform in front of the audience. 


The audience heard a wide variety of music with so many beautiful moments. Well done to all the performers!  Huge thank you to Margaret Butcher, Liz Bonetti, the piano accompanist (Anna) and all the Strings teachers.

You can watch some short clips, view more photos and read some student reflections on the Strings Page.

Mabo Day

Reconciliation week culminated with Mabo Day on Monday 3rd June.  Alannah and Hailie from 4F presented a piece of their research to the whole school at assembly.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ ways of knowing and being in the world are intimately connected to the land and waters. Connection to land is essential to the continued cultural survival of Australia’s First Peoples as well as their economic and social development.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have occupied the lands and waters of Australia for millennia. When colonisation began, the land of Australia was declared by Europeans as being ‘terra nullius’ – or land belonging to no one. Since the beginning of colonisation, Australia’s First peoples have defended their lands and waters and asserted their rights to their homelands.

On 3 June 1992 the High Court of Australia recognised that a group of Torres Strait Islanders, led by Eddie Mabo, held ownership of Mer (Murray Island). In acknowledging the traditional rights of the Meriam people to their land, the court also held that native title existed for all Indigenous people. This landmark decision gave rise to important ‘native title’ legislation the following year and rendered ‘terra nulli'

Mabo Day is celebrated every year on 3rd June. This date was chosen to commemorate Eddie Mabo because it is the anniversary of the landmark court ruling in the Mabo Case. Mabo Day is a day to commemorate and remember Eddie Mabo and the other Mer Islander people who won the case. On this day, people remember what they accomplished and the good they did for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. - Alannah & Hailie 4F.


Mathematics 2.0

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is a statutory authority primarily accountable to the Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools.  It develops and implements the curricula and assessment for all Victorian schools.  


In line with the VCCA's vision to be a global education leader and provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting to enable learning for life, the VCAA has  revised the Mathematics curriculum. This new Mathematics version 2.0  is a strengthened and more rigorous curriculum which aims to align content with the assessment frameworks for OECD’s Program for Internation Student Assessment (PISA),  the Trends In International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMS) and international curriculum standards.  


Mathematics 2.0 is not directly comparable with the previous Mathematics Curriculum as the skills and content have been modified and aligned to different achievement standard levels. This means that the Mathematics report you receive for your child(ren) at the end of this semester will look different to previous reports.


Please read the letter which has been sent home this week with a thorough explanation of what you can expect. The same information can also be found on the Mathematics Reporting in Victorian Government Schools page.   


We will be publishing more information on Mathematics 2.0 reporting in the weeks leading up to the end of this term.



IPS Chess Tournament coming up

Northern Star Chess has been running chess tournaments in Victoria for many years! This year Ivanhoe Primary School will be hosting a tournament in August. 


Please use the link which has been setup especially for IPS by Northern Star Chess using Trybooking.


More Information will be provided in the school newsletter prior to the event.

Enquiries should be directed to 


Students who would like to participate do not have to be regulars at Tuesday morning Chess Club. 


A Holiday Program comes to IPS in July

A new Holiday Program is coming to  IPS in the July School Break.

The inaugural winter program is run by Leapkids at Ivanhoe Primary School.

The program is packed with exciting excursions, interactive incursions and a huge variety of daily hands-on activities and experiences.


Featuring excursions to the National Institute of Circus Arts, Inflatable World, Ten Pin Bowling, the movies, plus a host of incursions including Gladiators, Junior Olympics, Acrobalance, Dodgeball Extreme and more!


See the full schedule of this spectacular winter holiday program and book online at


For more information and enquiries please contact LeapKids on 1300 366 235 or email 

Please read the Terms and Conditions prior to making any booking.

Year 1 & 2 Playground a Reality

The new playground is scheduled to be installed in the July break. Initially the location was to be at the lower level between the Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms. However, the size of the playground equipment has necessitated a change of location, and will now be adjacent to the Year 2 building beneath the Shade Sail.

Thank you to the students and teachers in the Year 1 and Year 2 classes for their input into design and colour scheme. 

IPS Dress Code Policy reminder

Dress codes with gender specific requirements are not necessarily discriminatory under the law, unless one gender is treated less favourably than the other because of the dress code. However, Department policy requires schools and School Councils to develop, as far as practicable, dress code requirements that are similar for both sexes. Where options are available, they should be available to all students.


There have been a number of queries regarding the wearing of makeup. While the policy can be downloaded below, the following excerpt addresses the question that was asked.

General appearance


While at school, travelling to or from school or participating in school activities, all students must comply with the following:

  • Uniforms must be clean and in good repair 
  • Uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s name 
  • Additional layers of clothing may be worn underneath the uniform for added warmth.

Jewellery and cosmetics

  • Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches, are the only acceptable jewellery.
  • Cosmetics may not be worn at school. Only clear nail polish is permitted.

Battle of the Bands

Mrs Morrow needs some help to set up the sound systems for the event. If you have some experience please consider volunteering a little of your time to help set up sound equipment and be a roadie from 2.40pm on Wednesday 19th June. If you're able to help out, please call the office. Thank you!


The much anticipated, Battle of the Bands 2024 will be presented on 20th June! 

Families are welcome to come along to watch along with the student audience. It's set to be another showcase of how talented our students are!



Of course, there are times when students aren't demonstrating behaviours or attitudes that reflect our school values.   


Learning from mistakes is an important part of child and adolescent development. Whether it involves homework, developing friendships, or playing a sport, learning is enriched through error.  Learning from mistakes is part of how we challenge ourselves to learn to do things differently. It motivates us to try new, innovative approaches to problem-solving. Letting children learn from their mistakes helps build resilience and is essential to raising a confident, capable, happy, and successful adult.


In order to learn, families, schools and the wider community must model appropriate behaviours, we must inform children when behaviours are not appropriate and provide them with the tools to reflect and make changes. 


Ivanhoe Primary School is committed to:

  • providing an educational program that develops students’ curiosity and creativity.
  • developing responsible and engaged learners.
  • fostering tolerance, respect and acceptance of others.
  • building each student’s resilience and self-esteem.
  • providing a curriculum that is rich and relevant and allows all students to succeed.
  • promoting a strong, supportive partnership between home and the school and the wider community.
  • have high expectations of ourselves and others.

We are currently updating our behaviour support guide and will be publishing it in next week's newsletter, so that we can further develop the strong, supportive partnership between home and school that we rely on to continue to strengthen the IPS culture.


Thank you for your support.


With the King's Birthday public holiday on Monday, have a safe and relaxing long weekend!


Pam Wright

Co Principal 


We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples.