Friendology 101

with Miss Ryan and Abby

This Term the grade 2 and 3 students have participated in Friendology sessions to continue to develop their social and emotional learning. 


Some of the topics covered so far include:

  • Recognising their inner ninja – focusing on self-compassion and learning to treat themselves as a best friend
  • Recognising different emotions & naming feelings
  • Learning strategies for making new friends, including how to introduce themselves and ask a friend to play.
  • Discussing what’s normal in a friendship and delving into the 4 friendship facts – learning the ‘truths’ of friendships so that they have realistic expectations.


  • Identifying the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships and the impact that body language has on our friendships.
  • Discussing hurt feelings, misunderstandings and disagreements – learning step by step how to resolve conflicts with a friend and how to respond to hurt feelings.